Page 102 of Dirty Legend

Kennedy grinned as she stood next to me. "True's going to freak out. I better warn Zen so he can keep him from running home when he gets the pictures." She pulled out her phone and sent off a message before shoving it back in her pocket. "Let's go up to your room."

"I don't know how I feel about my future mother in law seeing me like this." I was cringing inside at the thought of trying to be sexy while Rebecca watched. It just felt wrong.

"She already said she'd stay downstairs while we do this."

Forcing myself to take a deep breath, I pushed Kennedy in front of me. "You go first so you can block me from view."

She cracked up. "Really? Fine." She opened the door and stepped out of the safety of the bathroom. I grabbed a handful of the back of her shirt and practically plastered myself to her. I followed her up the stairs and sat on the edge of the bed. She called down to Montana, and then while we waited for her, she opened the curtain to let in the little daylight left.

"Come stand by the window," she said, and I stood up and moved over to lean against the wall beside the window. She arranged the sheer curtain around me, and as I looked out the window, she snapped a couple of shots.

Montana stepped into the room and closed the door behind her. "Oh my god, Amara. You look incredible. I'm jealous."

"We're losing the light," Kennedy said. "Give Montana your phone." I grabbed it off the nightstand and handed it over.

"Lay on the bed with your feet toward the headboard and bend your legs. Cross one over the other." Montana moved to the foot of the bed and lowered herself, holding my phone out in front of her. "Put your hand on the bed palm up above your head. Stretch it toward me a little bit." I did what she said, and she snapped a couple of pictures and then stood up and looked at them before showing them to me.

"Oh, wow," I breathed. In focus were the top of my head and all of my cleavage, with my belly and legs blurred in the background. It was a really nice boob shot, not gonna lie. I looked good. I couldn't help the small smile that made its way across my face. I was starting to get into this.

"Stand up and hold onto the bedpost, then face the wall," Montana commanded. I stood and moved over, wrapping my hand around the post.

"Wait," Kennedy said before disappearing out the door and coming back a few minutes later with one of Zen's white button-down shirts. "Slip this over your outfit and leave it unbuttoned. Pull it down off one shoulder and look over the same shoulder." She brushed my hair, so it fell slightly over my face, so one eye and only part of my face showed.

Montana held up the phone, pursing her lips. "Now imagine this phone is True and you're thirsty as hell."

I snorted. "That won't be hard, all it takes is a look and I want to jump him."

"Yeah, we know. Being in the same room with you guys is disgusting." Montana scrunched her nose but then cracked a smile. "Now pose!"

I did, and she snapped some pictures before declaring we were done. She tapped a few times on my phone before she handed it back to me with a knowing smile. "I'd hold onto that phone closely if I were you. I bet you're going to have some messages soon."

I grabbed my phone and slid out of Zen's shirt, handing it back to Kennedy. "I'd ask you both to get out so I can change, except I can't get this thing off by myself."

Kennedy laughed and pushed Montana out of the room. "I've got her. Go get a refill on your drink and check on Rebecca."

She bowed down slightly, giggling. "Yes, master."

Kennedy rolled her eyes. "Go!" She pushed her one last time and shut the door as soon as she was outside the room.

Tossing my phone onto the bed, I pulled the straps off my shoulders and stood there naked from the waist up, waiting for Kennedy to help me. When she grabbed the lace, she started tugging, and it took both of us to wiggle me out of it. I kicked it aside and stood naked next to the bed. "Mind handing me something out of my suitcase?" I asked.

She turned around and rifled through the case before handing me some lounge pants and a tank top. I threw the top on but gave her back the pants. "Help."

She chuckled before bending down in front of me and helping me step into them. "Better?"

I sighed. "Much."

My phone buzzed on the bed, and I smiled before picking it up and glancing down at the screen.

True: Holy fuck. I'm coming over.

Amara: You can't! It's bad luck

True: You can't send those to me and expect me not to come over there and do something about it

Amara: The girls won't let you in

True: I'll climb up the gutter