Page 9 of Dirty Legend

He tensed up against me for a second. “Okay. Please don’t hate me for asking this but-”

“You’re the only person I’ve ever been with, True. Just that one night.”

He blew out a breath. “Are you serious? It’s mine?”

I nodded, a tear sliding down my cheek.

A grin spread across his face. “I’m gonna be a dad?”

Wait, what the fuck? This was not the reaction I thought he’d have. I was having a breakdown, and he was… happy?

“Yep, in about seven and a half months.”

He jumped up and pulled me with him, wrapping his arms around me and squeezing me so tight I almost couldn’t breathe.

“I’m gonna be a dad! Oh my god, Amara, thank you. This is amazing.” He was peppering my face with kisses, but thankfully he didn’t kiss me on the mouth. I might have had to throw up again.

“You’re not upset?”

“Fuck no. This is the best news I’ve ever gotten. Ever.”

The tension melted out of my body. Were we really doing this?

“I don’t expect you to be with me or anything, I just wanted to give you the chance to be a part of the baby’s life. I can take care of it myself financially.”

He paused. “What are you talking about? Do you not want to be with me, Amara? I’ve been trying to get you to give me the time of day for the past eight months. I thought you’d finally given me a chance at the wedding, but then you’ve been pretty radio silent since then. I want to be with you, Amara. I want to give us a chance. Don’t you want to give this baby a family?”

I thought about his words. Did I want to be with True? If I admitted to my feelings, the ones I’d been shoving deep, deep down, I really did. He was smart, funny, laid back, sweet, not to mention hot AF. His whole laid back surfer vibe really did it for me. So, what was holding me back?

“True, I like you a lot, but after what Kennedy went through to be with Zen, I don’t want all the stuff that comes with your fame. I don’t want to have to worry about paparazzi harassing our baby or me. I don’t want weird stalkers or crazy fans. If it was just you, I’d love nothing more than to be with you. But with all the extras that come along with your life, I don’t know if I can handle it.” I’d spoken with complete honesty, admitting out loud for the first time everything holding me back all these months. Now there was more than just me to consider.

“If Kennedy and Zen can handle it, you can, too. But we don’t have to go as public as they did. Besides, Zen gets way more attention than I do. I’ve never even had one stalker.” He pulled me against his body and wrapped his arms around me again. It was tough to tell him no when he held me like this, especially with my hormones going crazy. I’d just thrown up a few minutes ago, and now the feel of his body against mine was lighting me up inside like the fourth of July.

“We won’t go public, right?” I needed reassurance.

“Not until you’re ready.”

“What if I’m never ready?”

“We’ll figure it out down the road. Right now, I just want to be with you.” He ran his hand down to rest on my stomach. “Both of you.”

How could I not give in? “Okay,” I whispered.

“Okay?” he repeated, his eyes full of hope and wonder.

I nodded.

He pulled me back into his arms. “Honey, you’re making all my dreams come true right now. I’m so fucking relieved. I thought something was seriously wrong with you.”

“Honey?” I asked.

“I thought it was a fitting name for you since that’s what I see every time I look into your eyes.” Ugh, sometimes he was so sweet.

“Anyway,” my nose wrinkled. “I’m going to get all fat and cranky.”

He laughed. “You won’t be fat, you’ll be growing my baby. That’s only going to make you more beautiful to me. And I’ve been best friends with Maddox for like ten years. I think I can handle a little bit of crankiness.”

“Are you sure you want to be with me? It’s not too late, we can still figure something out.”