Page 89 of A Man's World

Or maybe there hadn’t been as much faking as I had previously thought.

“Well, I can’t wait until you and Luca finally admit your feelings to one another, so we can be done with all this fake dating crap.” I turned to Lily, slightly shocked at the comment that had come out of her mouth. I had never considered myself an open book, but time and time again, I felt as though Lily knew my thoughts and feelings better than I knew them myself.

“Keep your hopes and dreams to yourself, please,” Henri teased, rolling his eyes at my teammate.

“Come on…. Have you met your sister? She’s no actress!” Lily yelled at Henri. She paused for a moment before turning to me, a sheepish look on her face. “No offense, of course.”

“Offense taken. Now, finish up your coffee. We only have a couple of hours before we have to go, and I know how long it takes you to pack.”

“Ugh, whatever, Mum,” Lily mumbled, getting up from the couch and heading to my guest room. I had no doubt that in thirty-six hours Lily had completely unpacked her entire suitcase, and it would take her an hour just to repack it.

I took my own advice and headed to my room to pack for Austria. Once packed, I pulled out my phone, shooting off a text to Edward and Oliver.

Georgia: Sorry this is so late… I have been a bit overwhelmed, as you can imagine, but I wanted to say thank you – sincerely from the bottom of my heart. You didn’t have to post those photos or messages on social media. Words can’t express how thankful I am.

Edward: No need to thank us, Love. I meant every word. ;-)

Oliver: Second that. We’re here for you, Georgie.

I smiled as I read the texts, and I sent the same thank you to Eric, Noah, Éliott, and Oscar – all of whom had posted hilarious Instagram photos of me and Luca together. The fact that they had rallied together around us made my heart swell more than words could describe.

I was utterly speechless to the point of tears. Not too long after sending the text to Eric, I saw a response from him sitting in my inbox.

Eric: Of course, Georgie. What they wrote was unfair. Your relationship with Luca is no one’s business.

Eric: But do you mind if I offer you some unsolicited advice?

Georgia: Always welcome from you <3

Eric: Don’t be afraid to let yourself be happy. Not even Oscar winners can fake the way Luca looks at you. The change I’ve seen in Luca over the first half of the season has been tremendous. You did that – don’t let another woman reap those rewards.

I read Eric’s text over and over again, contemplating what to say in response. In my heart, I knew Eric was right, but my head told me to avoid and deflect.

Georgia: Not you, too, Eric. It seems as if everyone is team Luca and Georgia these days.

Eric: With each passing day, it becomes an easier team to support. ;-)

Once Lily, Henri, Noah, and I had boarded the airplane in Monaco, I sent Luca a text confirming the hotel and his check-in time.

Luca: See you tonight – don’t eat all of the free hotel snacks like last time.

Georgia: Surely you’ve learned that telling me what to do… makes me want to do the opposite.

Luca: Unless we’re in the bedroom, of course

I could feel my cheeks flush as I read Luca’s message, a flashback to our night after my Silverstone win crossing my mind. I was slightly embarrassed that it had only been a few days, and already I was craving Luca's touch.

“Something got you all hot and bothered over there?” Noah asked, a knowing look in his eyes.

“Don’t be nosy, Noah.”

“I’ve been accused of many things, Sassy Dubois, but never nosy.”

I rolled my eyes and turned away, trying to hide my smile. The more I got to know Noah, the more I realized he and Oliver were the nosiest duo in the paddock, made only worse by Noah’s budding friendship with Edward, someone equally as nosy as Oliver. That trio was a menace to society as far as I was concerned, but I loved them dearly.

Our flight began to descend, and I put away everything but my phone, preparing for landing. As I aimlessly scrolled through my social media page, I came across the Daily Report link. Everything within me told me not to open it, to listen to Lizzie’s advice.

Lizzie’s words echoed in the back of my mind. ‘Remember Georgie, curiosity killed the cat.’