Page 90 of A Man's World

But I wasn’t a house cat. I was a lioness.

Are Georgia Dubois and Luca Rossi actually dating… or is this a scam cooked up by their PR teams?

The Daily Report can exclusively report that the relationship between Luca and Georgia is, in fact, fake – a PR stunt set up to help boost their driver’s ratings with fans. According to the insider, Georgia is using Luca's fame and money to get recognition inside the F1 community.

Luca, on the other hand, is trying to downplay that playboy image he’s cultivated so well, but our insider has knowledge that Luca has been seeing multiple women on the side. According to our source, Georgia did the same thing during her Indy Car days when she dated NASCAR star Anthony Smith, but this time, Valkyrie F1 hasn’t been able to cover up her blatant use of men to push herself to the top.

“It’s really a shame because the F1 community believed that they were finally getting a female driver that deserved to be in this sport, not one that slept their way into it,” the insider told us.

As part of the agreement, Luca has allegedly been letting Georgia easily pass on the race track so she can secure as many wins as possible.

“We all want a female driver, but not if it’s done by cheating.”

What will the FIA do about this incident? Check back for more updates.

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By the time I finished the article, I was gripping my phone so tightly that Henri and Lily had an alarmed look on their faces.

“Peaches, everything alright?” Henri asked, reaching out to grab my hands.

“These journalists… I’m done with them.All of them.They’re going to rue the day they decided to mess with Georgia Dubois.”




As soon as the plane touched down, I made a beeline for the entrance. I felt filthy after reading that article, and I needed to get off the plane and into the fresh air. Fortunately, our VIP car was already waiting for us, and the luggage was loaded quickly into the SUV.

“You shouldn’t have read the article, Peaches,” Henri said softly, his face laced with concern.

“Geez… Georgia, why?” Noah just sighed in frustration, shaking his head in disappointment. “They don’t deserve your time.”

“Have you read it?” I shot back. Obviously, they both had. Hell, I knew theyallhad. I was the only one sitting in the dark about the horrific things the journalists were saying about me, both in this article and on social media. And the comments on the article? Full of sexist pigs agreeing with the journalist. Noah said nothing in return, averting his eyes to the window, a look of uneasiness on his face.

“Why did no one tell me it wasthat bad?”

“It’s notthat bad,” Henri interjected.

“They fucking accused me of sleeping my way into Formula 1. What could be worse than that? And the part about Luca letting me pass? I mean, come on, Luca has only qualified ahead of me twice this season, and I passed him on skill alone. I won my races fair and square.” Henri went to interject, but I stopped him, putting my hand up to signal that I wasn’t finished.

“And for them to bring in Indy Car. It’s fucking ridiculous. I earned that spot. No one let me pass! And the comment about me dating Anthony for his fame? Get real, that man was a loser.

I’m going to be this year’s Formula 1 Champion, and no one, not even a journalist, can take that away from me.” I knew at this point I was ranting, but I couldn’t stop myself. The three of them just sat there, letting me go on my schtick, knowing full well there was no point in stopping me. I felt the tears I had been holding back for the last several days finally stream down my face, like a river whose dam had just been opened.

Henri grabbed my hand and gave me a sympathetic look. “Feel better?”

“No…” I said meekly. “Well… a little.”

“When we get back to the hotel, why don’t we go up to your room and have a cup of coffee, hmm?” I nodded at my brother; I was truly thankful for his company. I knew I often took it for granted that my family was able to travel around with me so easily. With Henri being a fellow driver, we were able to spend most weekends together.

The car soon arrived at the hotel, and Noah gave me a hug and said his goodbyes. Lizzie, my media manager, met Lily and me downstairs. As I approached her, Lizzie gave me a sympathetic hug and handed me my key. She had the foresight to check me in so I wouldn’t have to survive the check-in desk, which was surrounded by fans at this point. Lily’s room was right next door to mine this time, so the four of us made our way to the tenth floor.

When I got to my room, I opened the door and let out a loud gasp, causing both Lizzie and Lily to turn around and rush into my room. The sight in front of me could only be described as a botanical garden. The room was covered in flowers – lilies, daisies, roses – all of my favorite flowers were scattered around the room.

“Oh. My. God.” Lily gasped, running into the room and spinning around in constant circles so she could observe all of the flowers. They were everywhere – on the desk, the bed, the bedside tables, in the bathroom. Not a counter was left untouched by flowers. As I turned to look at the coffee table, I saw a gift basket that had been wrapped up in cellophane with a blue bow at the top. A note was attached to the basket with my name on it.