She screamed. She looked truly terrified, haunted, even like she was somewhere else. She was backing up to the far wall.

“Wh-where am I-I?” she stuttered, frantically looking around until her eyes landed on me.

“You!” she said, anger and fire lighting up her gray eyes.

“You fucking stalker. I’ll get you for this!”

I raised my eyebrow. She was calling me the stalker? That was rich. She was the one that stowed away in my damn helicopter and broke the fucking thing.

“You certainly wake up more like a dragon than a princess.” I mused.

She stared at me, confusion and anger melding into her eyes.

“What were you doing playing hide and seek in my aircraft?” I scolded, not giving a damn if she looked like a doe-eyed deer.

“What?” she said, looking around again. “Where am I?”

Sighing, I gestured around the stall, a few horses whining with annoyance that their sleep was disturbed.

“Home sweet bumfuck home,” I sang, but she continued to glare at me.

I could see her carefully making a move to stand, and I braced myself, my stance ready to disarm her. I didn’t know what she could do besides stab me in the eye with some hay, but knowing her, she was likely to try.

She charged at me with a growl. I was sure she thought she was ferocious. But before she could reach me, she slipped on one of the lovely cow pies in the field, and she fell right on her behind. Her head bounced off the ground with a thud, and she stilled.

Walking over to her, I tapped her with my boot. Her eyes flew open and stared right at me.

“Lucius?” she said in a daze.

I gave her my best smolder. “Yeah, Zaika, still me.”

Zaika was the word for bunny in my native tongue, and the way she was bouncing around with her personality right now, the word bunny was damn accurate. She held her head, rubbing and wincing as she sat up.

“Wanna tell me why the fuck you sabotaged my helicopter?” She paled, her eyes darting to the door. “Uh, uh, uh, Little Shadow,” I chastised, blocking her view. “You know the rules. When you try to kill a man, you owe him your presence at least.”

She scoffed at me—the strange fear from before completely gone. Staring at her and shaking my head, I said, “You’re a weird one, you know that?”

She stilled, her notorious glare flashing at me as I grinned at her.

“Where’s your passenger?” she said, and my smile dropped. So, she knew my sister was with me and still tried to kill me.

“What passenger?” I lied, lazily leaning on the stall frame.

A horse’s ass was getting dangerously close to my face, so I jumped off and walked closer to her.

“Get some sleep, Little Shadow,” I said, yawning and plopping down beside her on the semi-soft, but mostly ‘scratchy as fuck’ hay. She didn’t hit me again. That was a plus. Her body heat and sweet, earthy scent cocooned me. She didn’t wiggle away, and though we didn’t spoon like in a rom-com, she did lay down and didn’t move away from me.

I got lucky because she drifted off to sleep.

Sighing, I closed my eyes. Her scent and body were so close to my damn dick that it didn’t know it was time to let me sleep. I turned my head, staring at her perfect body, her silky blonde hair, thick black lashes, puffy lips, and big tits.

My mouth watered. The memory of her honey taste was fresh and vivid in my mind.

I needed to taste her again.

I was robbed of getting to taste her straight from the source. The one night our bodies allowed that damn pull to happen, I hadn’t been allowed the absolute pleasure of tasting her sweet pussy.

That was not fair.