The sleeping princess moaned as I ran my fingertips softly over her nipples. The blue fabric tightened in a spiral as they hardened.

Breathing a sigh of contentment at this princess’s pure beauty, I carefully got up, not knowing if she’d wake as the princess or the dragon.

My cock throbbed in unison with my heart. “Beggars can’t be choosers.”

I nudged her thighs open, her black shorts giving me a peekaboo of her nice-shaven pussy. “Naughty girl, you’re not wearing panties,” I said with a moan, my cock throbbing in approval.

Pulling out my pocketknife from my boot, I flipped it open and sliced the offending shorts away. They fell apart on her creamy hourglass hips.

“Fuck.” I groaned, the persistent appendage rubbing into the hay bale under her.

She moaned a sleepy, wistful sound.

“You want my mouth, my Little Shadow? Do you want me to make your sweet pussy weep?”

She continued to moan sleepy sighs as she shifted, opening herself to me even more.

I grabbed her hips, wrapping my arms under her. Taking handfuls of her thick delicious ass, I dove into her heat. The honey taste exploded in my mouth.

She was addictive.

A fucking drug.

My drug.

Moaning, I sucked on her more, lapping all of her juices and swirling my tongue on her clit. Her breathy moans switched to whimpers, and her closed eyes bounced as she rocked into my face.

“Mmm.” She undulated her body, causing her core to roll onto my mouth. Deeper, harder, faster. I drew her orgasm out of her with heavy, languid licks and kisses to her sensitive little nub.

Nipping it lightly, I felt her gasp.

“Lucius…” she moaned, her whole body flooding my mouth with a sweet and slight hint of come.

I was soaked, and I was fucking overjoyed. I loved it when she coated me in her very own perfume. I’d wear her taste every day if I could.

Realizing she had said my name, even sleeping as she came was just as intoxicating as her taste, if not more. Standing up, I threw off the borrowed jeans. My whole body felt tight and painfully swollen. Kneeling and watching those eyelids dance, I opened her pretty little mouth and shoved myself home.

Irode out the dream, floating on the cloud of pleasure with Lucius buried deep into my core. The orgasm was so powerful that it shook my very world. His skilled tongue and gorgeous body were just bonuses. Damn, he was dangerous. My very own poison. Ha. I guess this Snow White ate the poisoned apple.

My dream shifted. The beautiful water that was flowing around me, Lucius’s tongue and lips crashing over me like the waves around us, morphed. Into something dark. No, not my dreams. My vision. The water…it was choking me, and I couldn’t breathe. Scratching at my throat and trying to gasp for air, I panicked, not breathing…going…to die. White spots blew across my eyelids, and suddenly, I was awake.

Lucius and his thick cock were choking me. His thick-tatted hands held me down, and his face contorted in ecstasy. Pain and fire scratched at my throat, and he finally pulled free. Hot jets of come branded my face, my chest, and my mouth. Everywhere. He was everywhere.

Staring at him and unable to catch my breath, he smiled. Sweat dripped down his body, his shirt was soaked, his tan muscles rippling, and pieces of hay and dirt were stuck to him in random places.

“Well, I guess a kiss does wake up Snow White after all,” he joked, laughing as I steadied my breathing. “On both lips.”

I wanted to smack him. He just laughed again, stretching and yawning.

“Do you often fuck sleeping women?” I groused.

He shrugged. “We didn’t fuck, sweetheart.” He did a kissy face at me, and I threw a handful of hay at him.

“No, you’d be the first princess. Don’t you feel honored?”

I rolled my eyes. “Lucky me.”

He winked at me.“Oh, I know. You’re welcome.”