I knew this, but I still couldn’t let it go. I should have protected our mother.

“I just froze,” I admitted in defeat.

“When it mattered the most, I fucking froze, and now the only innocent blood in our family is on my hands. She’s gone.”

“Mama would be proud of you, Lucius.”

Foreign tears stung the corner of my eyes, and I aggressively wiped at them. Eili pulled my arm, my vision so blurry that I couldn’t see, so I let her lead the way. We arrived at a farmhouse. The old cottage looked homey, and the people who answered even more so. It was rare to see the true kindness that lived in their eyes.

Gertrude and Hank were their names, and they immediately took us in and began helping us.

“Oh, you poor dears,” Gertrude crooned, grabbing a plate of cookies and shoving them toward us. I grabbed half the plate, and Eili took one and picked at the corners.

“We’re so glad you’re unharmed,” Hank said, his gruff voice aged with hard work and dedication to his farmland.

Not long after, they allowed us to take a shower and eat a proper meal. I would have personally starved to death over not showering. I was going to mail them fifty thousand dollars in an anonymous check when I got back to Rochester. Half of that probably needed to be used on more shampoo.

“Absolutely not,” Gertrude said, her old hand wagging at me in disbelief. “You are not riding with some stranger named Uber. You will stay here tonight, and Hank will take you where you were headed in that flying death machine,” she said, her voice not leaving room for discussion.

I sighed, tucked my tail like the whipped dog I was, and obeyed.

“You get some sleep, Eili,” I said, grabbing a coat Hank let me borrow from the bed.

She looked at me suspiciously. “What about you?”

I shrugged. “I’m going to take a look at the helio,” I said. “Whatever the fuck is left of it, that is.”

Eili argued, but ultimately, her exhaustion got the best of her. She kissed me on the cheek, making me bend down like a pretzel to do so, and let me leave.

* * *

The cow field smelled as much like a wad of shit as before. The stench not being better in the night air.

Walking to the helicopter, I saw pieces thrown all around the field. Some cows had used them as seats, which made me laugh. So much for giving a shit about an alien invasion. These fuckers would just sit on them.

Sighing, I walked around the cabin door. The back hatch was slightly ajar, and strands of pale blonde hair were sticking out.

What the fuck?

Walking closer, I opened the hatch and jumped back. Passed the fuck out in her very own little hidy-hole, a little stow away was sleeping. Unharmed and unbothered.

What the fuck?

Did she not notice we fucking crashed?

Speaking of, I walked to the control panel, my eyes homing in on the wire that was nearly severed in two.

Glaring at the sleeping beauty, I saw a barn on the side of the cottage. Slinging the woman who slept like the fucking dead over my shoulder, I walked to the barn.

Flopping her like a bale of hay, I said, “Wakey, wakey, princess.”

She didn’t budge.

Hmm, maybe she did get hurt by the fall after all? I began scanning her for injuries. Running my hand over her arm, checking for any blemishes, I barely felt her stir. That was until her elbow went flying into my face.

Smashing into the ground, I cursed.

“What the fuck?”