“Too bad you’re on the wrong side of this,” he said, shaking his head and kicking my leg. The bar wobbled, swinging me back and forth.

The sound of the old contraption was a scraping metal on corroded metal. This was going to suck…but it was the only idea I had to get myself out of here. I successfully spit out the cloth, my blood tinging the tip red.

“If you give me a sob story about how we could take on the world by drugging people into mindless zombies, I’m going to puke,” I said, tightening my stomach for what I knew was coming.

The guys in the back chuckled, their laughter dying with the look that Pedro shot them.

He met my gaze and glared. “Okay, we’ll do this the fun way then.”

His big foot smashed hard into my ribs, and the instant feeling of breathing broken glass blazed through my body as the mechanism shook and groaned. I stifled myself from coughing, spitting blood in his direction.

He chuckled. “You are a feisty one. I would have liked to fuck that rebellion out of you.”

“Too bad I don’t go for shrimp dicks. The last guy who tried ate his.” I said, forcing a laugh. “Literally.” I chomped my teeth for reference.

His face flushed, and I knew I had hit home. My effort of scraping my raw wrists against the rusted pole was progressing. The binds were loosening.

There was no preparing myself for this hit, however. The kick was so hard it spun my body over the pole five times before slamming me hard onto my stomach and freeing the binding on my arm. I wrapped my forearm and freed my leg around the metal, refusing to be flipped back around.

I could hear the internal clicking and crackling increase from the metal contraption, so at least my pain was not going to be in vain.

“You certainly have a hot little mouth on you, oh mighty Snow White,” he cooed, running his ugly hand along my jaw.

I shivered.

“I wonder if you are hot and untamable in other areas.”

I couldn’t see his eyes, but I felt them graze over my flesh, my only warning before his cold finger invaded my body. I forced the unwanted invasion out of my mind because it was unimportant at this point. Even with my vision dotted with white from being walloped and my body screaming at me, I knew I had to finish this, and I had to do it now before he explored me further.

I steeled myself as best I could, knowing this final blow would force me unconscious. If that happened, I would be killed, and before that…I didn’t want to think about what these barbarians intended to do with me. Alive or dead.

Right before I managed to quip my last remark, a sound of pain exploded from outside the cave. Pedro spun around, and the other men were scrambling and running off to see the cause of the commotion. The screams of agony were like a symphony—a crescendo playing in my ears.

I tried to keep focus. My vision was still blurry as a familiar face came into view.

He was covered in blood.

His clothes were shredded, cuts and scrapes marring his beautiful body. Pedro whirled around, cowering before the manifestation of pure menace and rage.

“Your first mistake was touching what is mine,” he bellowed.

His booming roar shook the restraints and the metal as the hinges collapsed, making me crash down onto the ground and smash my ankles and wrists with my own weight. The pain sobered me enough to see clearly as Lucius, the pale Russian ghost, bit off the finger that the fuck had used to violate me and used his bare hands to rip his head off.

“Your second mistake was thinking you would get away with it.”

He cracked the bones of the digit in his mouth before spitting it out onto the ground. The crunching pop was a jolting sound as the blood poured onto my body from the man’s severed head, a crimson waterfall that was sure to drown me.

I weakly crawled up the pole and pulled my hands free of the metal. Lucius looked down on me. The blood surrounding me mirrored his eyes. He was close enough that I could see my reflection in those pools of green.

“You are mine. You can’t escape me.” He growled at me while throwing the head of the man at the wall behind me.

I flinched as more blood splattered my body. I wanted to glare at him but was too busy trying to free myself. I wasn’t up for fighting. My ribs burned, and I needed time to heal. He tilted his head, his gaze flashing as he stared at my naked body. Anger and lust were a constant swirl on his blood-stained features.

Freeing my legs finally, I eyed the exit. It was behind him. How was I going to get past him?

He followed my gaze and smiled, his black hair dripping from the blood of his enemies.

“Planning to run Little Shadow? What kind of thanks is that?” He tsked, pulling off his shirt and wiping the blood from his face. He threw the mangled T-shirt to the side. “Just remember, I love it when you run from me. It’ll make your submission much more potent when I catch you.”