Drugs in my drink over there. It…was…only explanation.

I sank down because my legs were completely useless. Landing on my arm, I flinched. There was a puncture wound on my bicep.

What the hell?

Forcing my body to move, I pulled myself underneath the cover of the slimy dumpster, and I could only helplessly watch as my world surrendered to the darkness.



I opened my eyes, and the darkness completely surrounded me. My head pounded. After getting into my tent for the night, I didn’t remember a thing, but my head felt like an anvil had been dropped onto it. Did someone from the cove clock me? Voices. They were fuzzy. My vision was completely useless at the moment as the pain of rough gravel scraped along my back.

“Oh no. No, Little Princess. You’re not waking up just yet.”

The voice faded, like it was talking under water, deep and unfamiliar, and suddenly the blasting pain in my head increased before I succumbed to it.

* * *

I struggled with the restraints. My wrists and ankles were aching at the binds.

Who dared to kidnap me?

My vision was fuzzy even more than before I’d first awoken to these assholes. Whoever it was had me in the dark again, and I couldn’t tell where I was at all. The only thing I noticed was a slight smell of salt in the air.

Hot breath wafted in my face as a man laughed. “Looky what we caught, boss.”

I glared toward the sound of a squeaking door, the light penetrating from that direction. A hulking frame was highlighted in the doorway, its fuzzy appearance blocking most of the light.

My eyes watered, and my head throbbed. I was naked. The cool air was chilling my skin, and I had been bound in a more degrading pose than a stuck pig. My hands were tied to my ankles, and my back was forced to bow at a painful angle. I pushed at the cloth in my mouth, trying to prevent my gag reflex from taking over from the salty-tinged garment.

“Indeed, looks like we found you first, then,” another male said—this one younger and handsome in some warped way.

“Does the boss know about this?” Yet another guy asked from behind me. I hadn’t even noticed him. “He wanted to play with this one.”

The guy at the door scoffed.

“I don’t give a fuck what the boss wants. I’m tired of this little runt picking us off. She had already found us. Do you want to wait to be snuffed out?”

I smiled through the cloth, letting them know it was one hundred percent what I intended to do as soon as I could free myself.

Someone lit a match, and an ancient lantern created a glow around me. I was in some kind of cavern. Maybe even a closed-off section of my own damned home. The wall closest to me had that stucco cave texture in appearance, and I was sure if I would run my hand along it, I would feel that scraping rough gravel.

Take a woman from her own bed? How manly of you.

“I don’t know about this, Pedro,” the mousy one said, shifting from one foot to another.

“Look, she was looking for me, trying to kill Markus. I don’t care if she’s a damn woman. I will have fun with her, and then it’s lights out for this chick.”

I was biting my tongue so hard I tasted blood.


I needed to figure out a way to get out of this. I was completely stripped of my weapons, including my damn clothes. Except for my broken nails, I didn’t have anything to use. Panic was an annoying, sour taste in my mouth, so I forced my body to settle with it.

“Geer, you go guard the entrance to this shithole,” the one named Pedro barked.

He walked up to me, my body pathetically dangling from the bar I was hung on.