He smiled at Lila Morris. She lived on Sunflower Street with her husband Ethan and their little boy, Reuben.

‘Are you getting them for someone special?’ she asked with a teasing glint in her eyes.

‘Oh… uh…’ he rubbed a finger under his jacket collar. ‘For a friend, actually. She’s uhhh… a bit upset and so I thought they might cheer her up but now I’m not sure. Is it all right to buy roses for a friend?’

Lila smiled. ‘Of course it is. Roses are beautiful flowers and don’t have to be given purely in a romantic sense. I’m sure she’ll love them. Whoever she is…’ Lila raised an eyebrow and Finn cleared his throat, feeling self-conscious.

‘Yeah… uhhh… That’s brilliant, thanks. She’s just a good friend. But now I know it’s OK to give roses, I’ll get these for her.’

Lila pursed her lips then tapped a finger against them. ‘Hold on… Isn’t Ellie Porter back in the village? She’s moved into her aunt’s cottage, hasn’t she?’

Instantly, Finn’s cheeks flooded with heat and he wanted to drop the basket and run from the shop. Instead, he coughed again as if he had a frog in his throat then rubbed a hand roughly through his hair. ‘Yes. And yes, you’re right. The flowers, chocolates and wine are for Ellie. She’s an old friend.’

Lila nodded. ‘Hey, your secret’s safe with me.’

‘What secret?’

Lila tapped her nose and winked. ‘It is absolutely fine to give roses to a friend but I’m guessing from the way you blushed then that there might be something more between you and Ellie. But hey… It’s none of my business and I’ve already forgotten what you told me.’

‘I didn’t really tell you anything at all,’ he said, confused.

‘That’s right.’ Lila laughed. ‘I know nothing. Have a lovely afternoon, Finn.’

‘You too,’ he replied, then he trudged towards the counter to pay, feeling like he’d just told Lila his deepest, darkest secrets without saying a word. What was it with some people? They could read you like an open book.

He was still shaking his head as he paid for the goods then left the shop, keen to get to Ellie’s before he bumped into anyone else.



Ellie opened the door to Finn and he entered the cottage, his large frame making the hallway feel small. She went through to the kitchen and he followed her.

‘Tea?’ she asked.

‘Actually,’ he said, holding out a bag, ‘I got something a bit stronger.’

‘Oh… OK.’ She accepted the bag and opened it. ‘This looks nice,’ she said, holding up a bottle of red wine. There was something else in the bag so she got it out. ‘And Belgian chocolate truffles. Yum.’

‘Also… I got you these,’ Finn pulled a bouquet of pink roses from behind his back and held them out.

‘Wow! Flowers. I can’t remember the last time someone got me flowers.’ She looked up at him as she raised the bouquet to her face and sniffed the roses. ‘They’re beautiful, thank you.’

‘Just like you,’ he said, gruffly. ‘I mean… Goodness, Ellie, I can’t believe no one has bought you flowers in ages. You should have flowers every week to remind you how special you are.’

She felt her jaw drop. What exactly was going on here? Or was she still in so much shock at finding out her aunt was in fact her mum that she was completely misreading the situation?

‘You think I’m special?’ she said, lowering the roses.

‘Of course you are. I can’t believe you don’t know that.’ He rubbed at the back of his neck. ‘Sorry… I don’t mean to overstep the mark here.’

‘No… It’s fine. There’s no overstepping going on. I’m flattered, in fact. It’s very nice to be told that you’re special.’

‘Well you are.’ He looked around the kitchen as if he was feeling a bit awkward and Ellie decided to drop the topic for now. ‘Do you have a corkscrew?’

‘In that drawer.’ Ellie pointed.

Finn opened the drawer and got the corkscrew. ‘I’ll open this shall I, and we can have a glass?’