‘That would be lovely.’

Ellie put the roses in a vase of water that she set on the table then went to the fridge. ‘Are you hungry?’

‘I could eat something.’

‘How about… cheese toasties?’

‘Sounds good to me.’

She grated some cheese then buttered bread and got a heavy frying pan from the cupboard. While the bread toasted and the cheese melted, she poured salted crisps into a bowl then got two wine glasses. When the cheese toasties were done, she piled them on a plate and carried the plate and the bowl of crisps through to the lounge while Finn brought the wine and the truffles.

They sat on the sofa and Ellie reached for her wine. ‘Here’s to friendship. Thanks for being here for me today, Finn. I really am grateful.’

‘You don’t need to be grateful. What are friends for if they can’t be there for you when times are tough?’

They clinked glasses then Ellie took a sip. The wine was rich with dark red fruits and had a spicy kick. ‘This is good.’

Finn nodded. ‘Shiraz is one of my favourites.’

The room was warm and cosy because Ellie had lit the fire earlier and she sat back on the sofa and tucked her feet underneath her. They ate the sandwiches and sipped wine and talked about the village and people they knew, about what Finn was currently working on and what plans he had for the next few weeks. Avoiding discussion of anything heavy was exactly what Ellie needed. She’d always found Finn easy to talk to and had missed their chats when she left the village, but, of course, even if she’d stayed in Wisteria Hollow, she probably wouldn’t have been able to face him after what had happened. Now though, it seemed so inconsequential. It was such a long time ago that she thought it could be something she imagined and not something that actually happened. Perhaps she had misread the situation and built it up in her mind over the years.

When they’d finished the toasties and the crisps, Ellie took the plates and the bowl out to the kitchen and washed her hands then returned to the lounge. It was so nice to have Finn sitting on her sofa looking relaxed, almost like he belonged there.

She sat back down and he topped up their wine then he said, ‘Do you need a hand with sorting anything? I know you said you were part way through and I hate to think of you having a mess to tidy up.’

‘It’s fine, honestly. I can’t be bothered to go back up in the attic now and there’s nothing there that won’t wait for another day. I’m too comfortable and relaxed to start working again.’

‘And how are you feeling now about what you found out?’ There was genuine concern in his eyes and it made her heart flutter.

‘I’m OK. I think it was such a shock that it’s going to take a while to process it all.’

‘I’m sure it will. But remember that I’m here for you, any time you need to talk.’

‘Thank you so much.’

‘It’s my pleasure, Ellie.’ He was gazing at her in way that made her hot all over and she shifted on the sofa.


‘Sorry?’ He frowned.

‘Shall we have a chocolate?’ It was, after all, sometimes described as a substitute for sex and seeing as how Ellie was not going to be getting any of that, chocolate would have to do.

‘Sure.’ He reached for the box and opened it then held it out to her.

Ellie took a chocolate and placed it in her mouth. It was sweet, creamy and delicious and she closed her eyes to savour it, enjoying the cool centre as it melted on her tongue. It was so good she let out a low moan.

When she opened her eyes, Finn was looking at her as if he couldn’t believe his eyes. It made her insides tilt and emotions rushed through her, emotions she’d thought long ago buried or forgotten. She adored this man!

Might as well see what happens…

She took a gulp of wine then set her glass down on the table and moved closer to Finn. She took his glass and placed it on the table then took his hand and held it between both of hers.

‘Ellie,’ he said. ‘Are you OK?’

‘I’m good.’

He seemed to debate something internally then he raised his free hand and gently stroked her cheek. Tingling swept through her, waking areas of her that had long been asleep. When his fingers slid through her hair and cupped her head at the base of her neck, a sigh escaped her lips. So this was happening. At last.