Then he did something she hadn’t expected. He leant forwards and brushed his lips against hers and it was her turn to gasp. When he moved away, she saw mischief in his eyes and something else. Something she hadn’t seen in a man’s eyes in a long time.

She saw desire. Finn desired her!

‘Next couple!’ Darcie’s voice came from behind them so they ascended the steps together, hand-in-hand. Connected in more ways than one for the first time in decades.

Ellie practically floated up the steps and along the stage and she didn’t come back down to earth until they reached the back room again.



The back room of the village hall was buzzing with energy following the fashion show. It was a brilliant atmosphere and Finn was glad to be a part of it, especially after having spent the evening in Ellie’s company. She was an amazing person. He’d forgotten how amazing, but then when they’d last spent time together, they’d been much younger. This evening, he’d felt nervous and self-conscious, but Ellie had taken his hand and it had boosted him, made him feel like he could do anything with her support. He was glad for Darcie and glad for himself that Ellie had chosen to return to Sunflower Street.

‘Thank you so much, you two. You were both wonderful,’ Darcie said as she crossed the room and hugged them in turn.

‘It was a pleasure,’ Ellie replied and Finn smiled.

‘Yeah it wasn’t so bad after all,’ he said. ‘But why are you looking worried now?’

Darcie rubbed at her forehead then sighed. ‘We’re meant to be having a post fashion show auction but I’m one item down.’

‘What is it?’ Ellie asked. She’d just pulled her sweatshirt over her head and her hair was all ruffled. She looked, Finn thought, very cute.

‘I’m a human being down.’

‘What? You’re auctioning a human being?’ Ellie laughed as she smoothed a hand over her hair.

‘Just a date actually. It’s part of the fundraiser for the primary school library. My employee was going to do it because she’s… well, shewassingle but when she pulled out I thought I’d find a replacement but sadly, it hasn’t happened.’

‘I could do it,’ Ellie said. ‘I’m single.’

Finn’s mouth went dry and his hands flexed at his sides. Ellie was offering herself up for the auction. Well, a date with her anyway and someone would win and get to take her out.

Darcie looked from Ellie to Finn and back again. ‘Are you sure? It is just dinner with someone so wouldn’t involve anything else and you can leave as early as you like, really. But hey… you might go on a date with someone you like and who knows where it could lead?’

As his sister shrugged, Finn felt something inside him shifting like sand under the tide. He did not like this idea at all. Not one bit.

‘Perhaps it’s not a good idea, Darcie. I mean, Ellie is new to the village and she doesn’t know the locals. She could end up dating someone with a reputation and… well… things could go wrong and…’ He rubbed at the back of his neck.

‘Finn, it’s a date. It could be with anyone who wins the bidding. Anyone at all. And if I don’t think it’s going well, I’ll bid on the date.’

Finn nodded slowly.

‘What do you think, Ellie?’ Darcie asked.

‘I’m happy to do it.’ Ellie nodded. ‘But should I change?’ She looked down at her comfy clothes.

‘I have just the thing,’ Darcie said and she hurried away.

‘You sure about this?’ Finn asked her, watching her carefully.

‘It’s for a good cause and people do these charity type auctions all the time. It’s just a date so it’ll be fun. Besides which, it’s been ages since I’ve been on a date so at least this way I get to go on one without seeming desperate.’ She laughed but Finn thought there was something beneath the laughter that suggested that she wasn’t 100% sure.

‘Here you go.’ Darcie had returned with a black dress that she held up in front of Ellie. ‘This will look wonderful on you.’

‘The date isn’t tonight though?’ Finn asked.

‘No. At a time and day of their choosing.’ Darcie helped Ellie to remove her sweatshirt again then she helped her to get the dress over her head.