Finn averted his gaze until Ellie said, ‘What do you think?’

He turned to look at her and his breath caught in his throat.

‘I think… Wow!’ he said, struggling to close his mouth. The black dress was made of some stretchy material that clung to Ellie’s curves. It had lace sleeves that came to her wrists, a fitted bodice with a low neckline that showed off her slightly flushed decolletage and significant cleavage and the rest of the dress accentuated her hourglass figure. The skirt fell to the floor at the back and came to just below her knees at the front and he wondered if it would float around her legs when she moved or even danced. She looked spectacular.

‘Really?’ Ellie said as she ran her hands over her hips.

‘Really,’ he replied, wishing he could trace his hands over the curves where hers had just been.

‘Ellie, it could have been made for you,’ Darcie said. ‘You look stunning.’

‘Thanks, guys.’ Ellie smiled. ‘I’ll just tidy up my hair then I’ll be ready.’

Ellie walked over to one of the long mirrors in the room and Finn turned to Darcie.

‘She’s pretty special, right?’

‘She’s very special. I missed her so much over the years and I can hardly believe that she’s back. It’s amazing and feels like hundreds of years since we were kids and yet, it also feels like no time at all has passed. Does that make sense?’

‘Absolutely.’ He nodded.

‘Right then… the auction should be kicking off soon, so we’d better go and get ready. You taking a seat in the audience?’

‘Yep.’ He needed to see how the bidding on Ellie went because in that dress, he was certain she’d have some high bids. Some lucky person would get to spend an evening with her. ‘See you later,’ he said to his sister then he made his way through to the main hall.

Items on the auction list included a trip to the Tower of London, a meal at one of a celebrity chef’s restaurants, a weekend at a cottage in the Cotswolds and a year’s supply of air-dried dog treats. Then it was time for the final lot — the date with Ellie.

She came onto the stage nervously, holding her hands together in front of her, but Darcie was by her side and she wrapped an arm around Ellie’s waist.

‘Our final auction item is a date with my beautiful friend, Ellie. You get the pleasure of her company for a whole evening and can go to dinner, the cinema or out dancing. Obviously, you’ll need to agree this with Ellie first, but she has kindly agreed to donate an evening of her time.’

Darcie looked at Ellie and she smiled.

‘Please remember, folks, that this auction is for a good cause so dig deep in your pockets. I’d like to start the bidding at fifty pounds.’

Finn sat on his hands while the bids started and kept on climbing. Soon the bids were up to three hundred pounds, and he looked around to see two men from the village competing with each other. They were both nice enough, both divorced and he knew they both played for the village football team. Something about seeing them vying with each other to get the date with Ellie made his blood boil and before he could stop himself, he raised his hand and shouted, ‘Four hundred!’

Darcie’s eyes widened. ‘We have four hundred from Finn Harman. Do we have anything higher?’

The men in the audience continued to bid and soon, the bids had reached five hundred. Ellie was looking distinctly uncomfortable on the stage and it was all Finn could do not to climb right up there, scoop her up in his arms and carry her away from it all. He wasn’t quite sure what was going on inside him as he never got all cavemanlike but something about this process, as well as being around Ellie again all evening, had made him feel different. Then it hit him. He didn’t want anyone else taking Ellie out on a date. He wanted to be the one to take her.

‘Six hundred!’ he said and there were some gasps around the hall. He grinned inwardly because to some people this would be mere peanuts. But to him and many of the villagers, six hundred pounds was a lot of money. But he had it there in his savings account, had a bit more actually, that he’d been saving for a rainy day. And now, it seemed, that rainy day had arrived. It was time to whisk Ellie out on a date and to spend the money he’d been saving on a good cause. Right now, he couldn’t imagine any other way he wanted to spend it. He couldn’t bear the thought of anyone else taking Ellie on this date.

‘Do I have anything higher?’ Darcie said, scanning the hall. ‘Any bids above six hundred pounds?’

There were a few murmurs and some heads shaking.

Finn rubbed a fist against his chest, hoping that no one outbid him because he didn’t know if he’d be able to stop.

Darcie said, ‘Last chance? Nope? I’m closing the bidding on a date with Ellie then. Going. Going. Gone! The date with Ellie goes to Finn! Congratulations.’

Finn almost patted himself on the back. He’d done the right thing. There was no way he could have let her go out with someone else. Not that it was up to him who she went out with but he’d have hated to know she was dating someone who might not treat her the way she deserved to be treated.

Ellie met his eyes across the hall and he felt something leap in his chest. He had won a date with her and he was delighted. He just hoped she’d feel the same.

