Ellie shrugged. ‘My whole world has just imploded and all because of a letter. Well, no, actually more than one letter because I went through the chest after finding that one letter and I found more. Apparently, Iris got pregnant by someone… his name wasn’t in there so I have no idea who he was… and she wasn’t married and didn’t have the means to raise a child. But Rose and her husband were desperate for a child but not having any luck conceiving. So… it seemed like a good idea for Rose to raise Iris’s child.Me!My whole life is based on a lie. And I can’t even speak to either of them about it because they’re gone. I always wondered about my parents and why they never had more children but now I know. My mum had multiple miscarriages and couldn’t carry a baby to term. And so I was an only child.’

Finn was watching her, nodding slowly and she saw compassion in his eyes. ‘This is a lot to take in,’ he said.

‘I know, right? The man I thought was my dad was nothing to do with me and my mum was actually my biological aunt. Yes, the DNA was the same as Mum and Iris were identical twins but… oh god… So many things make sense now. I thought Iris was just a very loving aunt but in reality, she was my mum and it must have been so hard for her to see me and not be able to tell me. In fact, Rose mentions that in some of the letters.’

‘It must have been very hard for her.’ Finn rubbed a hand over his brow.

‘One letter mentions this and how Rose feels sorry for Iris and will always be grateful for her selfless act of giving me to her and my dad. She describes me as a gift and agrees with Iris that she did a wonderful thing for me too because I got to grow up with two parents.’ Ellie sighed and shook her head. ‘But if I’d known… I could have lived here with Iris and we’d have been happy.’

‘Times were different back then. Attitudes too. It might have been hard for Iris being a single mum, especially in a small village. And I don’t know what her parents, your grandparents, were like but perhaps they’d have disapproved too.’

Ellie nodded. ‘I know my grandparents were strict. And apparently the pregnancy was a shock to Iris. She was very innocent and I came along out of the blue. There’s not a lot of information about it but I’m wondering if I was a result of a one night stand or a fling. Luckily, Iris was staying with Rose and Jasper when she went into labour and so they came up with a plan together.’

‘That’s quite a story.’

‘It is. And it must have been difficult for all of them. But I guess that Rose and Jasper got what they wanted and Iris was able to get on with her life.’

‘And you had a good childhood?’

‘I did. My parents were wonderful. The only thing they ever did to upset me was moving me away from here when I was seventeen… but it was as good a time as any to go, I guess.’

To get away from my humiliation over you…

‘I’m sorry you’re having to deal with this but if there’s anything I can do, I’m here for you.’

‘Thanks.’ She smiled at him. ‘There are more letters in the chest, and I’ll read them soon, but I needed to let that news sink in first. I have questions and I guess I’ll never get the answers.’

‘I don’t think you will, Ellie, but I do think that everything they did came from a place of love. If you can, try to focus on that. You can’t change what they did or what happened but you can frame it positively. And please don’t think I’m brushing off the magnitude of this. I completely understand that it’s huge. I would be reeling too. Your entire world has shifted. However, they all loved you and wanted the best for you and it sounds like they came up with a plan that worked for them and for you.’

Ellie sipped her tea and thought about what Finn had said. He was right. She had been very loved and she’d had plenty of contact with Iris, had loved her like a second mum. Iris had taught her lots when she was growing up and been there for her when she’d had difficult times as a teenager. So, Iris had done everything she could for her without actually telling her the truth and then she’d left Ellie this wonderful cottage. The truth would have been good to know, but Ellie could understand why they had kept it from her. She’d never be able to imagine doing the same, but then times were different when she was born and had Iris had her today then she’d probably have been more inclined to keep her. What Iris did back then, she did for Ellie too. It was done out of love and compassion and Ellie had been able to grow up with two parents and in a home filled with love. Many children weren’t that lucky. She had basically been adopted by her maternal aunt and her husband but stayed in regular contact with her birth mother.

‘I just need some time, I think.’

Finn placed a hand over hers and she found the tenderness of the gesture comforting. He was there for her and she was grateful for that. ‘I was heading to Darcie’s but decided to come here and check something with you about tomorrow, but I don’t like to leave you alone now. Is there anything I can help with?’

Ellie met his gaze and politeness made her want to tell him to carry on with his day as planned but she also didn’t want to be alone. She was worried that she might find something else upsetting and it really would be nice to have some company and to talk through it all again.

‘Would you like to stay for a bit then and perhaps have some dinner here?’

Finn smiled. ‘Of course. Tell you what, I have some things in the bag that Cole asked me to get so why don’t I go and drop them off then I’ll come straight back? We can tidy up what you want to sort today then open a bottle of wine and make something nice for dinner. How does that sound?’

‘That sounds perfect. Thank you so much.’

‘It’s no trouble at all.’

And as Ellie gazed into Finn’s clear blue eyes, she believed that he meant what he said. She wouldn’t have to face up to what she’d found out alone and that was an enormous relief. The thought of being alone this afternoon and evening was unpleasant, and now, knowing that Finn would be here made everything feel a bit better.



Finn dropped the bags off for Cole and then he was on his way back to Ellie’s cottage when something occurred to him. He didn’t want to go in empty handed so he’d pop to the shop first and get something nice for her. Not that he thought anything could make up for what she’d found out but even so, it would make him feel that he was doing something constructive if he took something with him.

In the small village grocery shop, he picked up a basket then put some chocolates, wine and a bouquet of pink roses in it before checking himself. Was it OK to take roses to a friend? Or should he choose a different flower?

‘Nice roses there,’ a voice from behind him made him turn.

‘Oh hello, Lila.’