“I told you not to move.”
I rolled my eyes but couldn’t convincingly feign annoyance, not when he was looking at me like I was the beginning and end of the world. Whatever I had left of a defense crumbled with the first press of his lips to my shoulder, chasing the towel with reverent kisses. The longer he lingered, the sharper my senses honed, something that got worse when the soft cloth ran from my neck to my stomach, taking careful attention to dry the curve of each breast.
“Okay,” I said on an impatient pant. “I think we’re dry enough now.”
Danny dropped to one knee, shaking off my hands as I failed to pull him to me. “When I do a job, I do it right. I never doanythinghalfway, Princess.”
He lifted my foot to rest on his knee. “Hold on to my shoulders if you need to balance.”
At an agonizing pace, Danny circled around my ankle and up my thigh. This was sipping the scotch all over again. He knew my patience was shorter than my fuse, and if he kept savoringthisexperience, I was going to explode long before we ever made it to the damn bed.
“You’re going slowly on purpose. After all this build-up, I would have thought you’dwantto fuck me.”
The burn of Danny’s green eyes seared straight through me. “You haven’t been paying attention if you think all I want is to simply fuck you.”
I sucked in a shallow breath, made so much harder by my wild, galloping heart.
Gently, we transferred my weight. Rather than place my foot on his knee, as he had the first, this one he lifted to sit on his shoulder. I bit back a giggle when the stubble on his chin grazed the sensitive underside of my knee.
I tried to scoff, “Like I would admit any of my weaknesses to you.”
“Princess, I’m about to learn everything there is to know about you.” His hands gripped my ass and pulled me closer, the positioning of my foot on his shoulder forcing my legs to spread wide.
“Firstly—” My words twisted from a snappy comeback into moan the second his mouth closed over my clit. “Fuck, Danny.”
Danny rumbled in appreciation, rewarding me by sucking hard enough streaks of light blurred across my vision. His hands braced my ass, forcing my body to stay in exactly the position he wanted. I had to dig my fingers into his shoulders to keep my supporting leg from giving out.
“You were saying?” Danny teased, his voice vibrating through the folds of my pussy. He didn’t wait for an answer. Slinging my foot over his shoulder, his tongue delved straight into what might have been my soul.
I cursed, rocking my hips involuntarily towards him, silently begging for him to feast on every bit of flesh he could sink his teeth on.
I’d always wondered what this would be like. I’d given my fair share of blow jobs in exchange for a favor over the years, but the guards at the Farm were never particularly generous when it came to reciprocation. Em’sguests, even less so. I’d spent countless nights trying to imagine what the flat pad of a tongue would feel like pressed against intimate and sensitive flesh. But this was so much more than that. Danny’s tongue moved in a way that made my entire body feel like it had been electrified.
I tried to regain sanity. I really did.
Each time I drew breath to speak, Danny bit down, stealing the air from my lungs. My entire body shook, and just as I was sure I would burst, he paused.
“We’ll get there, Princess.” He took the time to steady me before rising.
Whimpering at having my climax denied—again—I stepped back until I bumped into the footboard of the bed. What was it with these boys that they were always dragging my pleasure out of me in the most excruciating way possible?
Easily closing the space between us, he kissed me again. I could taste the devilish sweetness of my arousal on his lips. It was sinful and dirty. I definitely didn’t taste anything like cherry pie.
Water dripped from my hair down my back, running in streams over the scarred flesh and down to the curve of my ass. Without the distraction of Danny’s face between my legs, I shivered with each drop. Coming so close to release primed my skin to react violently to any stimulus.
Danny instantly picked up on it, spinning me and scooping the towel up. He lowered a soft kiss to my shoulder, gently drying my hair and back.
“How’s it look?” I said, trying to spy at him over my shoulder.
“Considering how much I’ve fantasized about this over the past week, pretty fucking fantastic.” His palm smoothed over the curve of my behind, squeezing more than a handful of cheek.
“I wasn’t talking about my ass,” I snapped.
“I was.” His hand cracked down, slapping the undercurve of my right buttcheek. The sound cut through the air and echoed through every inch of my body.
“Fuck,” I breathed from the unexpected pain and sagged backwards into him. I could feel the outline of his hand continuing to burn, causing my pussy to clench hard on reflex.