“Too much?” he asked with genuine concern, caressing over where my ass seemed to have grown its own heartbeat.
“No. You just surprised me.”
“Good, because I imagine spanking this perfect ass every time you open your sassy mouth.” He dragged two fingers backwards over my center. “Fuck, you did like that. This pussy is practically weeping for me.” Gently, with his other hand, Danny pressed my shoulders forward at the same time he sank those fingers deep inside. “Hold on to the footboard.”
I was more prepared for the second slap, but that didn’t stop me from bearing down hard on the fingers stroking me. “Damn, Firecracker. We are going to have so much fun. I can’t wait to feel you do that around my dick.” Danny kissed the barely healed marks at the center of my back. That, more than any other touch, set my entire body trembling. “Tell me if it’s too much. I don’t want to give you more than you can handle. You’ve been through a lot lately.”
I didn’t want to feel the flood of emotion that simple concern brought on. What I wanted was to be fucked hard. I wanted to forget the pain.
“I told you before, Danny, give me your worst.” I rocked back against his hand, exactly like I had right before he’d kissed me in the kitchen. Well, not exactly the same. Last time, the distance between us was calculated. Now it felt reckless. “I can handle you just fine.”
Danny chuckled darkly, his breath setting off tiny fireworks along my back. “I don’t think you can—” I could hear the wicked grin forming, feel the edges of his lips turn up as they brushed the shell of my ear. ”—but I’d like to see you try.” He pushed a third, greedy finger into me, spreading me wide. Drawing back his hand with a curl, Danny pumped slowly, hitting a new, mind-altering spot.
The wave of my withheld orgasm took me by surprise, building and detonating with blinding speed. One second I was in control, and a heartbeat later, Danny was obliterating my grip on reality. I cried out, buckling over the footboard, my legs completely giving out beneath me.
“I’m going to need you to do that again.” Danny scooped an arm around my waist, saving me from crashing to the floor. Throwing me onto the bed, he prowled over me, caging me in long lines of hard muscle. “I want to see the darkness in your eyes when I drive you over the edge.”
Hitching my leg over his hip, he thrust into me, hard enough the air in the room vanished. My cry of surprise was swallowed by the press of his mouth.
“Danny.” He pulled back and then slammed forward, pushing deeper than the initial thrust. I could taste the passion on his lips, feel the intent behind each measured pump of his hips, sense the undiluted need in the press of his fingers into the back of my thigh. I indulged in every sensation.
“Fucking perfect.” Danny leaned back, watching where we were joined. Tightening his grip on my thigh, he pushed harder into me. “You feel so damn good, Dorothy.”
“Don’t call me Dorothy,” I said, threading my fingers into his hair and yanking his head back. I truly hated that, even now, he was still calling me by that name, despite the number of times I’d told him not to. Not that it stopped me from kissing him again.
He laughed, a motion that made his dick flex within me. “Princess, your priorities are all in the wrong place.” He gave a long, hard stroke, knocking the bed against the wall. “I’m buried deep enough inside you that I’m sure you can taste me.” Drawing all the way out and slamming home, like he could prove his point by power of thrust alone. “But you’re worried about anamebecause you do feel amazing. Before this night is out, I’m going to pound your body into the bed, the wall, the floor, and every other damn surface of this room.”
Savagery bit deep into his kiss, ensuring that I knew exactly how deeply he was laying claim on my body—Which was not fucking happening. I pushed hard on his shoulder, twisting beneath him and ignoring the ache in my back as I rose to straddle him. If anyone was claiming anything around here, it was going to be me.
Flipping my hair over my shoulder, I rolled my hips and groaned at the new position. Fucking hell, Danny might have been onto something, saying he was deep enough to taste because I had to close my eyes while my body adjusted to the new level of fullness. My back ached, but over the pain, there was only the deep thrum of pleasure—and power.
When I finally opened my eyes, the grin gracing Danny’s lips proved everything he’d said earlier about belonging to me. He stroked my breasts, running his hands over my chest before sinking down to rub small circles against my clit.
Biting down on my lip to keep from screaming out, I slowly rocked in time with each stroke of his thumb. As I ground down, a slow heat grew within me, along with my confidence.
I felt powerful, like I owned him. I’d never owned anything before, but right now, this beautiful man was mine. There was no doubt.
Somehow reading my thoughts, Danny said, “Take all of me, every last piece.” His hands wrapped around my waist, thrusting up to meet each roll of my hips. Our rhythm increased until I couldn’t tell if I was riding him or if he was driving me. Whatever was happening felt out of control.
Danny sat up, one arm pressing down on my shoulders to increase the pressure, while his other sank to my clit. When I was sure that he couldn’t hit me any deeper, he thickened within me. “Dorothy, I ..”
I kissed Danny harder, cutting off whatever he was about to say and taking back the control I’d let slip. Holding onto his shoulders, I arched my back, offering my chest to him in a demand for the attention I deserved. Danny’s mouth closed over the hardened peak of my nipple.
“Looks like you can follow orders after all.” I licked my lips. “Good boy.”
Danny’s eyes flicked up with a growl, “Watch it, Princess.” Raking his teeth over my breast, he bit down on the side.
I cried out, not entirely hating the sharp burn left behind by his bite. Against the peachy hue of my breast was a perfectly round mark with the faint impression of teeth.
“Fucking beautiful.” Wrapping a hand around my neck, he pulled me down to his level. “But you will definitely be paying for that later.”
Pushing against his chest, I rose up. Danny didn’t release my throat, which I wasn’t entirely opposed to. There was something about the way he manhandled me that made my entire skin feel hot, but there was also a part of me that got off on pushing his buttons.
“What’s the matter, Kitten—” I rolled my hips hard enough to make us both groan. “Don’t you like being my good boy?”
“You really think I can’t top you from down here?” The hand on my throat tightened, pulling down while thrusting up hard enough small fireworks exploded around my vision.
A shadow fell over us, the small amount of light coming from the doorway momentarily blocked out. Crowe leaned in the door frame, casually running this thumb over his lower lip with the same amused look he’d had when he found me screaming naked in the bathroom.