"Drinking? We have alcohol? I thought I wasn't allowed to drink." I huffed. They both looked at me and smiled.

"We can have a little fun just for once. We won't drink a lot," Caio replied.

"Yes. We'll have a nice dinner and end it with drinks and board games," Cairus encouraged.

I smirked and clapped my hands. "Then I'm in! It will be fun. I want ice cream with whip cream for dessert."

"Count me in." Caio winked and offered us our food. I looked between them as they began to talk about different training techniques and smiled.

This is going to be a fun night.

* * *

"Peace and JOY! Happiness for all!" I sang, spinning around and letting glitter rain down on me.

"She's so drunk," Caio declared.

"You should have watched her when I went to pee," Cairus argued.

"I didn't think she'd drink all of it? Like jeez, how do unicorns chug a bottle of 40% vodka without dying?" Caio replied.

"We're so doomed," Cairus groaned.

I giggled at their conversation, waltzing over to them and giving them my best hip left and right strut. "I'm sexy and I know! I ain't afraid to show it." I danced and giggled harder at their flushed expressions.

"Totally bad idea." Cairus shook his head.

"Orion warned us. I think we should take a video to ensure everyone knows what happens when she's drunk," Caio suggested.

"Sure. Take a video while I figure out what spell to use to lessen her drunkenness," Cairus directed. I gave him a wide grin, moving over to wrap my arms around his neck.

"I'm not drunk," I whispered, staring right into his eyes with my wide ones. He froze in place and I giggled, pulling him into a kiss.

"Dearest, you're really drunk and taste like vodka."

"Do you like vodka?" I purred, pressing my body against him.

He gulped and blushed. "No...but it tasted nice when I kissed you," he admitted.

"I got that on video. I’m so telling." Caio sounded amused as he held his phone up.

"Ugh," Cairus groaned, placing his hands on my hips. "Dearest, baby, you need to stay still for a second."

"Why? I wanna kiss." I pouted innocently.

His face grew redder and he sighed. "You can kiss my neck while I think for a second," Cairus replied, and I grinned happily, leaning in to do as he suggested.

"That's so cheating." Caio sighed, lowering his phone.

"You can tak-AH! Dearest, don't bite so hard," Cairus whined. I sucked on his flesh right after, and a struggled moan escaped his lips. "Caio, take her. I can't think either."

"I know! Let her kiss you for ten seconds," Caio said, and he was out of the living room and up the stairs. I grinned and slowly turned to Cairus who shook his head.

"Drunk unicorns could kill us all."

"Maybe, but at least the world would be filled with peace, quiet, and GLITTER!" I lifted my hands up dramatically, and he stared at me helplessly.

"You're not serious."