"Very serious." I giggled at his lost expression.

He sighed and walked over to the couch, sinking into the soft seats and patting his lap.

"Come here, Dearest. I get to distract you while Caio thinks of a miracle," Cairus urged.

I squealed, skipping over to him and sat right on his lap.

"I meant you looking the other way, not you facing me," Cairus corrected.

"Sitting on your lap has no directions. I can sit north, south, east, and west, and you can't say anything," I declared, putting my hand up to salute him.

"Why are you saluting me?"

"I don't know," I said happily.

He smiled and reached out to run his hands through my loose locks, pulling me in for another kiss. They were just little kisses, but his hands left my hair to move down my sensitive skin, making me roll my hips slightly to press my lower region against his groin.

He moaned into my mouth, deepening the kiss, and his hands lowered to my hips, encouraging me to move again. I did it again and again, shifting back and forth to feel the bulge of his cock against my underwear, thankful I wore a simple short dress that was easy to take off.

His tongue slipped into my mouth, taking full control while I increased my pace and let out a breathy moan.

Cairus broke the kiss and tightened his grip to still my movements, catching his breath as he pressed his forehead against mine.

"Fuck...Dearest, too close," he admitted, taking deep breaths to calm himself.

I leaned in to kiss him. "Were you going to cum?" I purred quietly.

He lifted his hooded eyes to meet mine and gave me a quick kiss. "Yes." His honest reply made me smile sweetly.

"I like how honest you are," I whispered, leaning forward to kiss the other side of his neck that didn't have a bright hickey at his nape.

"I thought I'd wait till you were done," Caio announced.

Cairus let out a long sigh.

"You do the weirdest things."

"Encouraging my brother by standing back to let him enjoy an orgasm from his lovely girlfriend is doing you a favor, brother," Caio replied."Cutie Pie. Cairus and I have a gift."

"A gift?" I asked after I finished leaving another love bite on Cairus’ neck.

"Yes, a gift. But you can only get it if you sit still and let Cairus work," Caio encouraged.

I nodded and sat very still, excited for my gift. Cairus smirked and took a deep breath, closing his eyes.

"Calmluna Clarity," he whispered, magic flowing from him and moving around me.

I blinked a few times, feeling more alert. "Huh?"

"Welcome back, normal glitter Cutie Pie Dearest," Caio announced.

"Was I drunk?" I asked.

"Very," Caio and Cairus said together.

"Oh...hmmm. Magnor always warned me about that. It couldn't have been that bad." I huffed.

"We have a video, but first you get your surprise. Um..." Caio trailed off, looking at Cairus who sighed.