"Blessed Love, " I whispered, hating how full of agony his voice sounded as he explained everything. I could feel his pain, fear, and the burden he carried. He thought of himself as a leader for the others, and the thought of bearing that responsibility and losing me must have been driving him to the wall.

"I...want to find out if my brother is doing this with his own will, because of...well...I don't know if I have the courage to kill him," Orion mumbled.

I lifted my arms to hug him, placing a soft kiss on his shoulder as we remained silent. "Do we have to kill him?" I asked eventually.

"I guess? The Council...they're not going to let someone who's been one with the Forsaken free."

"What if he's not bad? Maybe he’s being controlled, or a different culprit is pulling the strings? What happened to innocent until proven guilty?" I contemplated.

We pulled apart, and Orion gave me a sad smile. "The traditional rules haven't changed. I don't think so anyway. They're all about crucifying the target before they’re deemed innocent for the sake of getting rid of the person causing problems. Even if they are wrong, the members of the Council have never admitted it."

"Isn't Othello a part of the High Council? He's the Head Leader," I pointed out.

"He was until recently," Orion revealed.

"Huh? What happened that made them take him off?" I asked in confusion.

“He helped us. I didn't hear everything, but after the Fourth Trial, I overheard him, Magnor, and Miolana talking. They said the High Council voted him off because he was becoming too involved with the students and making unnecessary attachments."

"That's prejudice," I countered.

Orion grinned at my pouted expression and slid his hand in mine as he led us back into our room to sit on the bed.

"I agree, which makes me wonder what we can do to overthrow them."

"Overthrow the council? And who's going to take their place?" I asked.

"I don't know. Othello? Someone else who acknowledges that the old ways are wrong and outdated and that we need to change our overall system. Even if the Forsaken threat is eliminated, there are many other problems with the dimensions. There's too much segregation of species, even after all this time. Adults and children bully those shifters who are almost extinct because they're so rare, which makes no fucking sense." Orion huffed the last part as he tightened his hold in my hand.

"The bullying, the neglect in helping one another. Everyone seems to be on their own mission to become powerful, and rich individuals run away when they have the power to help people other than themselves. There's essentially no unity when there should be. The Forsaken can spread and conquer dimensions easily because everyone focuses on themselves rather than helping each other to become stronger, better, and more positive. We can do so much more, yet we're under a Council that thinks everything is fine, and they have their "power" in Hunters and Huntresses."

"It's only a matter of time before we're outnumbered, and there won't be enough Hunters and Huntresses to be able to defeat the Forsaken's growth," I added.

Orion nodded, and he leaned back to rest on our bed. I did the same, our joined hands still interlocked as we stared at the ceiling.

"What I'm scared of the most is the Forsaken finding someone strong enough to host it," Orion whispered.

"Host it? You mean like what's going on with Odion?" I asked.

"Yes. Odion is already strong as is, but if the Darkness could get in contact with someone like one of the High Council members, we'd be screwed."

"You think that's what the Darkness is after?"

"What do you mean?" Orion asked.

"What if its purpose is acknowledgment? I mean...I don't know. Darkness is, of course, evil to many, but if it's growing at such a fast pace now, shouldn't we determine why? It's kind of like how our decisions affect the earth and Mother Nature's response to our actions. If they’re negative, natural catastrophes occur because of it. Maybe the Darkness is the same?" I suggested.

"That isn't a bad thought," Orion admitted.


He turned his head to look at me, and I adjusted to rest on my left side to stare directly at him. "Don't be afraid. I get why you're scared, but we can do amazing things together. I won't deny that there could be a situation where I may not be able to contribute, but even with the lack of time we may have with everything going on, we can work on it. There's room for improvement and growth. We just have to continue our positive outlook. Once we get back to Aslan and tell the others everything that happened, we can find a solution to all of this. Maybe we will be able to look into your brother and his situation as well," I explained.

I knew Orion was scared because he loved me dearly and couldn't lose me like he had his family. Being a Blessed Child seemed like a high status that I'd yet to fully grasp or understand its amazing significance, but Orion appeared to know more than he wanted to share about that topic, and that was another plate of anxiety he was carrying.

"I know once we have Finn and the others, we'll think of something. We always do."

Orion flipped and stretched out on his right side facing me. "Okay. I'll try not to worry...but I still won't stop my advances on you." The last part he mumbled and blushed.