"Hey. Where did you go after I showered?" I asked.

Orion smirked as he made his way over to where I stood. I turned around to face him, placing my arms to rest on the rails behind me.

He didn't hesitate to slide his arms around my waist and pull me into a deep kiss that made me groan in satisfaction. Since we'd arrived here, I'd noticed how confident Orion had been with our relationship.

I didn't know what had changed, but I was enjoying it and loved seeing his progress. It was like he was finally finding himself and who he wanted to be. Maybe his brother had a part in the gradual switch, but so far it had been all positive.

He released my lips and began to move down my neck, making my toes curl and a soft moan escape my lips. "Harrison was annoying me."

"Was he...hmmm?" I closed my eyes, enjoying the way Orion's lips sucked at my skin before his teeth gently bit and nibbled on my burning flesh.

"Ya...I had to shoo him away so I could get alone time with you." Orion pulled back to meet my curious gaze.

"You've been really confident lately." I moved my arms from the rail and wrapped them around his neck. "What's going on?"

"Hmm." Orion pressed his forehead against mine before leaning in and locking lips with me again. We kissed a few times, enjoying the way our lips pressed against each other, and the affection I could feel with his kisses made my heart inflate with joy.

"Orion," I whispered, giving him a look that told him he couldn't keep avoiding the conversation.

It was hard to ignore his passionate moves, but I knew something was still bothering him, even after our talk yesterday.

He was still silent, but he tightened his hold around me and pulled me forward to press my body against his. "I'm...a bit scared."

His admission was barely a whisper as he rested his chin on my left shoulder. I could hear how fast his heart was beating against his chest, reminding me of our last conversation and how quick his heart was back then.

"Orion? Why are you scared?"

"It's stupid."

"It's not stupid if it worries you." I knew Orion well enough to know he wasn't the type to be scared easily.

"I'm scared I won't be able to protect you from my brother. I'm afraid I'll lose you somehow. I...just don't want to be away from you, Celestia." He leaned back to look at me with sad eyes.

"With you being a Blessed Child, and with everything going on with the Forsaken, I feel like we're about to deal with something bigger than us. The guys...me...I don't think we're ready to face it. You've always been there to strengthen us, to make up for our flaws and lack of magic so that we can defeat the enemy together. I'm scared because what if you're not there to give us that extra push to victory? How are we going to be strong enough to defend you when you need it?"

"Orion. What makes you think we'd get all involved with everything that is happening?"

"I can feel it, Celestia. Now that my brother knows you’re connected to me, he'll be even more driven to bring you to the dark side," he admitted.

"Do you think your brother is evil?" I asked.

Orion was quiet for a long moment, looking deep in thought as he avoided my gaze. When he found an answer, he lifted his head to look into my eyes.



"I...I feel maybe...just maybe, something is controlling him? Or he has some motive that is being implemented because of false claims? I honestly don't know, Blessed Love. I've thought about it repeatedly for years, and I still can't conclude that he's an evil person. Yes, he's a Dark Rider, and they are essentially creatures of Darkness. But I feel I'm missing a puzzle piece, and I don't know where to look to find it."

"You think his obsession is due to the legend?" I asked.

"Yes and no. Yes because we all fit into the legend requirements, but I still feel in my gut that there's more. Before...coming to Aslan, my brother met me. I don't know how he knew where I was, but it was kind of like he'd always known where I'd been. Probably a twin thing, but during the years he was training, and I was with my family, I couldn't sense him. It was a bit of a shock to see him after all those years, but all he said was that whatever happened, I shouldn't hate him."

"He said that?" I asked, a little taken back.

"Yup. It was as if he'd known that day would come. It's hard to admit it too, but he wasn't using his full strength when we were facing him. I was an idiot and let the Darkness overtake me because I was afraid."

He sighed and put his forehead against my left shoulder. "I was scared that he'd take you and I'd never see you again. I would fail at protecting you, and the mere thought of having to tell the others that I failed made me so anxious. I didn't want you to get hurt, and just seeing you unconscious after the Rhinroy sent you flying, I was left in a ball of panic and fear."