Page 37 of Dead Last

“My grandfather was a font of information when it came to myths and legends,” I said hurriedly.

She gave me a long look. “Right. I remember you mentioned that before.” She closed the book. “I guess we’re not looking for a succubus. That would involve more than sleep.”

“We’re definitely not dealing with a succubus.”

Hailey gave me a curious look. “This isn’t hypothetical?”

I debated how much information to divulge. Hailey was aware of the supernatural world in greater depth than most human residents. She knew I could communicate with ghosts and that werewolves lived in town. Her grandfather had possessed the Sight, although he’d refused to discuss it with anyone. Hailey even left a protective wreath on the library door; I didn’t have the heart to tell her it was a useless gesture.

I lowered my voice. “There seems to be a sleep issue affecting part of the town. People sleep for hours but wake up feeling unrested.”

She pulled a face. “Welcome to my entire high school experience.”

“There’ve been accidents and domestic disputes. A handful of werewolves even slept through the full moon.”

Her eyes rounded. “Oh. I guess that’s bad.” She swallowed hard. “And you think there might be a creature to blame? One that sneaks into people’s houses at night like some supernatural Santa Claus?”

“Except he takes instead of gives.”

“Typical man,” Hailey murmured.

“I’d like to figure out what kind of intruder we’re dealing with so I can get rid of it.”

Hailey set the book on the shelf. “Why you?”

The question caught me off guard. “What do you mean?”

“Have you been affected?”


“A friend of yours?”

“I’ve met the werewolves, but I wouldn’t describe us as friends.”

Hailey smiled. “You’re like me.”

“In what way?”

“I’m a caretaker of books. You’re a caretaker of the town.”

I scoffed. “Hardly. I live alone for a reason.”

“I’m sure you could fit a few roommates in that big house of yours if you really wanted them.”

I shook my head. “Definitely do not want.”

“Ask yourself this—why go to all this trouble for a problem that doesn’t impact you?”

“Because…” I trailed off, unable to come up with an answer.

“You’re the living embodiment of that wreath on the door.”

“I’m really not. That wreath has no power, and I have…”

Hailey watched me expectantly. “You have what?”

I buried my nose in the book in my hand. “I appreciate a good night’s sleep. I don’t want anything to interfere with that.”