Page 36 of Dead Last

She grabbed my sleeve. “Help me, Obi-Wan. You’re my only hope.”

“You’re in luck. I could use a librarian’s assistance.”

Her brown eyes glowed with relief. “Yes! Whatever you need. You want me to readWar and Peaceto you out loud? I’m your girl.”

I secretly wondered whether that was a form of torture in one of the circles of hell. I’d have to ask Kane next time I saw him.

“Not necessary. I’m looking for information on types of supernaturals that cause drowsiness.”

“Is there a NyQuil demon?” Hailey snickered at her own joke. “Just kidding. It’s an odd request, but I’m sure we can find a few books for you.” She marched toward one of the computers and took a sharp left as a small child drunkenly staggered toward her.

“This way,” she hissed. “There’s another computer at the back.”

“If you want to avoid toddler time, why not have someone else work that shift?” I asked, once we were safely at the back of the room.

“Because I’m the face of the library. They expect to see me.” She heaved a sigh. “My mother was so good at this. I feel like she’s watching over me, and I don’t want to let her down.”

“You’re great at your job, Hailey. Just because your mother was great with little kids doesn’t mean you have to be, too. Maybe you’re better at helping strange ladies with odd research requests.” I gave her an encouraging smile.

“I am pretty good at that, aren’t I?” Her fingers skimmed the keyboard, typing at a rate I couldn’t hope to duplicate. “I found a few options for you.”

I stared at the screen in awe. “You’re masterful, Hailey Jones.”

She beamed with pride. “I am, aren’t I? Eat your heart out, Ida. Right this way.”

She tracked down three books and helped me search their indexes.

“I take longer than this in the grocery store, and I know where everything is there,” I remarked.

She flipped to a page in the middle of a book. “You have to remember that I basically grew up in this library. I spent as much time here as I did at my own house. I played hide-and-seek in the stacks before I was old enough to read the book spines.”

I couldn’t imagine what it was like to stay in the same place for so long. “You must be comfortable here.”

“That’s one word for it. Sometimes I feel like I should’ve moved away, if only to experience life in another city or town, but you don’t fix what isn’t broken, right?” She turned to another page. “Not to say Fairhaven is without its problems. It’s a flawed place like anywhere else.”

“Not as flawed as some places I’ve lived.”

“Is that why you moved here? You thought Fairhaven looked like a Norman Rockwell painting? I wouldn’t blame you; it kind of does.”

“To be honest, I saw the Castle online. I didn’t pay much attention to the town.” Mainly because I didn’t think I’d find myself a part of it. My intention had been to hole up behind the big gate and shut out the rest of the world. To keep myself safe. Instead, I was standing in the middle of the library, trying to develop a plan to keep the town safe from a mysterious threat. The best laid plans…

Hailey held up the page for me to read. “How about this?”

I scanned the paragraph. “Sandman.”

“I know what you’re thinking,” Hailey jumped in. “Isn’t that a television series and a graphic novel? Yes, it is, but the Sandman is actually from European folklore.”

Although I knew that already, I let the librarian have her shining moment. “I don’t think the Sandman is what I’m looking for.”

“Why not? He puts people to sleep and inspires wonderful dreams.”

“Exactly. I’m looking for a creature that leaves you feeling exhausted, and you don’t recall your dreams.”

“I see.” Hailey continued searching the book. “What about a night hag?” She shuddered. “Ew. They’re not easy on the eye, are they?” She showed me an illustration that depicted a small, furry creature seated on the chest of a woman.

“Night hags induce sleep paralysis. Not quite what I’m looking for either.”

Hailey frowned at me. “You knew that off the top of your head?”