Page 15 of Dead Last

He smiled. “You are the most paranoid woman I’ve ever met, and that’s saying something. It won’t make us anything except drinking buddies, which we’ve already been.”

I admired an abstract painting on the wall. I wasn’t a huge fan of modern art, but something about the colors and textures spoke to me. “You have an eye for design.”

He seemed surprised by the compliment. “Thank you.”

“Maybe I should’ve hired you as a consultant for the Castle.”

“You can’t afford me or my exquisite taste, Miss Clay.”

“I won’t argue with that.”

He poured Yamazaki into a glass. “Can I offer you something fruity or with bubbles? I’m all out of little umbrellas, I’m afraid.”

“Good thing, too, or I might have to stab you in the eye with the toothpick end.”

He resisted a smile. “Apologies. The women I generally entertain here seem to share similar tastes.”

“I’m not a woman you entertain, Sullivan.”

“No. I find it very hard, unless there’s a Scrabble board between us. When should I swing by for a rematch?”

“My calendar is full at the moment. You’ll have to check with my secretary.”

Disappointment flashed in his eyes, and I realized he was serious.

“Sit, Miss Clay. Tell me what you need.”

I sat as close to the arm of the sofa as possible in case Kane decided to plant himself on the cushion next to me. Thankfully, he chose the leather club chair. He looked at home in it, like he was born to sit in a sophisticated chair like that, whereas I looked like I was born to wrestle with IKEA instructions.

“I’d like to know everything you know about Vincenzo Magnarella.”

Kane nearly spat out his drink. “Magnarella? What have you gotten yourself into?”

“He’s invited me to lunch at his house.” There. Nice and vague. No mention of Dusty or Gunther either.


“Why not?”

“First Otto Visconti and now Vincenzo Magnarella. Are you a Friend of the Vampires now?”

I didn’t realize Magnarella was a vampire. This conversation had already proven worthwhile, although I’d have words with Gun and Dusty later for failing to disclose that fact.

“I can’t help it if the undead are drawn to my sunny disposition,” I said.

“As are the dead. It seems you attract quite a range of supernaturals.”

“Like I said, I’m a ray of sunshine.”

Kane studied me closely. “You’re hiding something.”

Always. “I’m going to choose not to be insulted.”

“Are you dating Magnarella? Is this a blossoming relationship I should be aware of?”

I shrugged coyly. “Could be. How well do you know him?”

“Well enough not to invite him to any parties. In fact, I’d prefer our paths not cross at all.”