Page 14 of Dead Last

“I can’t believe you’re hosting a Halloween party.”

He cringed. “Are you disappointed I didn’t invite you? I assumed you’d decline. I know how much you enjoy your solitude.”

“You’re right. I would’ve declined.”

“Then what brings you here to see Josephine?”

“I need a reason?”

“Historically speaking, yes.”

I leaned against the bar. “Fine, I have a reason.”

His mouth twitched. “And I suppose it’s also confidential.”

“As far as I’m concerned, my grocery list is confidential.”

He chuckled. “Can I persuade you to try me?” He paused. “As a confidante, I mean. I’m very discreet when the situation requires it.”

“I’m already here, so…” I shrugged.

“Right this way then.”

He maneuvered through the gyrating bodies until we reached a doorway at the back of the club.

“I thought we’d go to the room off the lobby,” I said, pointing behind us. “You said before that it’s soundproof.”

“It is, and it’s also currently occupied. Unless you’d like to witness marital negotiations between a minotaur and a harpy, I’d suggest you follow me.”

I trailed behind him along a corridor and down a spiral staircase to another door that required his palm print for entry. The door dissolved, and he stepped across the threshold.

“Where are we?”

“Welcome to home sweet home.”

I stopped at the edge of the doorway. “You’re inviting me into your private space?”

“You seem surprised. I’ve been in your home. Why not welcome you into mine?”

I felt uneasy about entering Kane’s private accommodations, as though I’d be crossing a line I couldn’t uncross.

He seemed to sense my trepidation because he crooked a finger. “There’s no need for concern, Miss Clay. I won’t be chaining you to the bed, unless, of course, you make the request.”

“You’d be dead before you got the handcuffs on me.”

“I didn’t peg you as a necrophiliac.” His tone was cheerful. “I feel like this is a real breakthrough for us.”

I was starting to regret my decision to stay. I walked through the doorway and immediately took in my surroundings in case I needed to beat a hasty retreat. His home spanned the length and width of the entire club, giving new meaning to the term ‘man cave.’

“This is the last time you get to mock the Castle,” I said. “This place is basically a lair.”

He held up a finger. “Ah, but I notice you omitted the word ‘evil’ from that statement.”

“Just because you’re a prince of hell doesn’t automatically make you evil.”

“How open-minded of you.” He gestured to an antique liquor cabinet with walnut inlay. “Drink?”

“It won’t make us fated mates or anything, right?”