Page 23 of Dead Last

As promised, Gunther arrived promptly at eleven-thirty to drive me to the home of Vincenzo Magnarella.

“I thought you’d be ready by now,” he complained.

I glanced down at my blouse and jeans. “I am ready.”

Disapproval marred his sculpted features. “You can’t wear that.”

“And hello to you, too.” I widened the gap to let him pass.

“Remember, you can’t just waltz in and take my sister’s place. We need his approval, so you need to look worthy.”

“I have no idea what that involves.”

“Clearly.” Gunther sighed dramatically. “I need to spend time in your closet.”

I observed his fringe jacket and flared trousers. “It’s too late for that.”

He swatted my arm. “We need to tweak your outfit before we go. Dusty didn’t catch his attention with her intellect.”

“Hey!” the swan said. “I’m right here.”

Gun looked at her. “Come on. You know I’m not saying anything that isn’t true.”

The swan tilted her head. “Fine. He likes attractive women. If I’d been ugly, he would’ve punished me far differently for trying to steal from him.”

I pressed a hand against my chest. “A powerful vampire mobster prefers the company of attractive women? Color me shocked.”

Gun crooked a finger at me. “Makeover time, sweetie. Let’s go, or we’ll be late.”

“And you don’t want to keep him waiting,” Dusty said. “He’ll see it as a sign of disrespect.”

In my bedroom, Gunther had a grand time rifling through my wardrobe. “You are in dire need of an update.”

“Why? I wear the same clothes every week.”

He glanced at me. “You do realize you’re making my point for me.”

“My house doesn’t care what I wear, and this is where I spend most of my time.”

He pulled a dress from the hanger and held it against himself. “This will do.”

“For which one of us?”

He tossed the dress to me. “Put this on, then I’ll fix your hair.”

“Can I wear boots?”

He gave me a pointed look. “What do you think?”

“Doc Martens? They’re almost shoes.”

“Are you serious about helping my sister or not?”

I made an exasperated noise at the back of my throat. “You realize this is sexist, right?”

“I don’t care. The only thing that matters is saving Dusty. If you had a sister, you’d understand.”

“My best friend in elementary school hated her sister.” I took the dress into the bathroom and closed the door to change.