Page 22 of Dead Last

“What isn’t?” Ray asked. “I missed the conversation.”

“She’s looking into the deaths of Bruce and Solomon,” I explained.

“Oh, the house on Thoreau Street?” he asked with mild curiosity.

I nodded. The complicated job that netted me the upgraded moat. “She’s from The Corporation.” According to Kane, The Corporation was a powerful organization that I definitely wanted to avoid. It probably wasn’t the wisest decision to close their secret interdimensional bank vault in the basement of Bruce Huang’s house and release the dragon shifter’s spirit from the pearl in which it had been imprisoned by his employers.

But I’d do it again in a heartbeat.

“I don’t see what you’re worried about,” Nana Pratt said. “She seemed friendly. What’s the worst she can do? Insist you’re a liar? I’m sure you’ve been called worse.”

“Gee, thanks.”

“She can’t prove your involvement, or she wouldn’t have come here,” Ray added. “She needs you to confess.”

Which I would never, ever do. There was too much at stake.

“If you’re concerned, maybe you should call someone,” Nana Pratt suggested.

“Like who?”

“Chief Garcia?”

I laughed. “I know supernaturals are still a new concept to you, but Chief Garcia is human, and she doesn’t fully grasp the world around her.” The police chief had no more than a vague awareness that life in Fairhaven was more complex than in other towns. To her, the existence of the crossroads was an historical footnote rather than a present problem.

“What about the devil man?” Nana Pratt asked.

“Kane Sullivan is a prince of hell.”

“Isn’t that the same thing?”

“He’s technically a demon, not a devil. I don’t think this is something he can help with.” Although it did seem only right to tell him about the investigation. After all, he was the one who helped me clean up that particular mess.

I retrieved my phone from the counter.

“I wouldn’t use the phone to communicate about her visit,” Ray advised. “She might have left a listening device behind.”

I spun around to face the ghost. “Boundaries, Ray.”

“Sorry, you seemed concerned. I followed you to offer moral support.”

“I’m fine. Go check on the scarecrow. It looks windy out there. Make sure Buddy didn’t blow over.” Now that autumn was here, it quickly became apparent that my herb garden was a big hit with the bird community. A scarecrow seemed like the obvious solution.

“You named the scarecrow too?” Nana Pratt asked.

“What’s wrong with that? If we’re going to dress him in clothes and a hat, then he deserves a name.”

“I think you could’ve done better than Buddy,” she said. “That’s a nickname.”

“Out,” I ordered.

The ghosts fled the scene. I contemplated my phone and decided that Ray was right. Even though she hadn’t entered the house, there was a chance Naomi Smith may have tapped my phone another way. In fact, I probably shouldn’t have had that conversation with the ghosts on the front porch either. I’d need to hire someone to cast a sweeping spell to check for hidden devices.

More unanticipated expenses. Story of my life.

I’d alert Kane later. Right now, I had to shower and make myself presentable for the luncheon at Chez Mobster. I had no idea what it would take to gain his approval to replace Dusty, but I was guessing body odor wasn’t on the list.