Page 97 of Deal with the Devil

If he stays my husband.

Lachlan’s words of no coincidences and ethereal forces driving elements in the universe intrigue me. How fate brought us together.

I feel sick… If Lachlan hadn’t gone to a strip club the night before my wedding, I’d be in Russia with a man who beats me. And not here, in one of the most beautiful places in the world, with a husband who considers me precious and only hurts me when he makes love to me with a little too much enthusiasm.

Lachlan helps me into Shea’s SUV, closes my door, and gets in next to me from the other side. “You hungry?”

“Yes,” I say, my stomach waking up.

“Lachlan, I rented you a car,” Shea announces from the front seat. “It’s at the house. Do you want one of my interns to park it at Everleigh’s?”

“Aye, thank you.”

A small traffic jam on Pantigo has us creeping along. My fingers are sweaty in Lachlan’s hand, but he doesn’t let go. I think about Rahil, who hissed, touching me. Lachlan squeezes me tighter. Panic settles into my throat as the closed space of the car and that helicopter ride are catching up to me after being trapped under the makeup counter for an hour waiting to die.

My breathing goes ragged, and a humming noise settles deep in my throat. “Air. I need air.”

Lachlan notices and barks, “Pull over!”

The driver swings the SUV in front of parked cars.

“What’s wrong?” Shea turns around with worry in her pretty eyes.

“My wife needs air. We’ll get out here and walk.”

“It’s just at the end of this block.” Shea reaches into her purse. “Here are the keys to the house. It’s going to be a beautiful night. There’s an amazing back patio with an ocean view. Take a few hours to look at the stars.”

“That sounds like what we both need.” Lachlan takes the keys and kisses Shea’s hand. “I’ll text you when we’re there.”

“Thank you so much, Shea,” I say to her, still feeling wrecked.

“You’re very welcome.” She smiles warmly at me, and for a second, I remember what it’s like to have a sister, and how much I miss Stasia. It’s crushing, but I push it away.

Lachlan opens the car door and glances over his shoulder, his stern expression reminding me to wait for him to open my door. I feel silly waiting, though, so I reach into my purse to give my hands something to do. I don’t want to seem like a princess when Shea is clearly an independent woman.

My door opens, and Lachlan reinforces the princess status I don’t want by lifting me out of the car. In fairness, the running board is nearly a foot off the ground. With his hand in mine, we get to the sidewalk bristling with people. It’s lean bodies dressed in summer pale colors as far as the eye can see, and I’m walking around with the dark knight. Lachlan draws cautious stares from everyone we pass. He ignores it and keeps his head held high. It’s proof how powerful his family is. He was not onlynot arrestedafter beating Mark to death, but the cops just let him go.

We weave around people, and a stand-up banner in the middle of the sidewalk stops me in my tracks.

Miss Theresa’s Hampton Dance Oasis.

Miss Theresa? Dance Oasis?

Lachlan sees it, too, and looks down at me. “Is that?”

“I don’t know.” I squeeze his hand. “Can we check?”

“Of course.”

We stroll faster as I watch the plate glass window get larger and larger. My breath hitches, seeing my old dance teacher. “It’s her!”

I must be gawking with my jaw dropped and possibly licking the glass when Miss Theresa notices us outside. Her face lights up. Then she signals to an assistant to take over the row of little girls dressed like swans.

“Katya?” she greets me. “What are you doing here?”

“I saw the studio on Mayfair was closed a few weeks ago.” I fight to keep the hurt out of my voice.

She willingly made a video recommendation for me a few months ago, then closed without warning.