Page 98 of Deal with the Devil

Miss Theresa stares up at Lachlan, her eyes blinking like she knows who he is. Most business owners know the O’Rourkes as well as my family. “Hello.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.” I lean into his wide forearm. “This is my husband, Lachlan.”

“Nice to meet you, Lachlan.” She stares in shock that an O’Rourke married a Koslov.

“Same here.” He nods to her. “My wife told me a lot about you.”

“She was one of my best students.” Gasping, she turns her eyes back on me. “Oh goodness. The shooting at East Side. I heard about it, but the girls have a dress rehearsal. I had to focus.” She studies the full breadth of Lachlan. “You’re the man in black who rushed inside to get her out of there!”

“Aye. That was me.” He shows no sign of uneasiness over that video going viral.

“Another dancer’s ex-boyfriend was the, um…shooter,” I add, feeling embarrassed for Della.

“Goodness. Is she all right? The girl?”

“Yeah.” I clear my throat. “My husband saved us. Both of us.”

“Thank goodness.” Miss Theresa clutches her throat.

“Why did the Astoria studio close?” I change the subject.

My teacher blushes. “I opened this new studio a few years ago. The traveling back and forth got to be too much, and I couldn’t manage both any more. It pained me to close the Astoria studio and sell our house there. I invested so much in Astoria. It’s not just the business. I own the entire building. Which might make it harder to sell. Or…”


“Someone might buy the building and turn the studio into something else.” Her classes were always packed. Surely, it’s a loss for the city.

“I hope not.”

She gives me a once over and then Lachlan. I squeeze his hand with both of mine. Showing her I’m willingly and happily his. She lived in Astoria for a long time and might have heard about the St. Agatha’s wedding massacre. I don’t want her to think Lachlan stole me against my will.

I’mhappybeing his wife.

“Theresa, we’re ready for the final run through.” Her assistant peeks out the glass door.

“Yes, yes. I’m sorry to cut this short. Dress rehearsal. The recital is at the high school tomorrow night. We’re sold out, but if you want to stop by, just flag me down, and I’ll get you in.” She winks.

“I would love that.” I look up at Lachlan. “Can we?”

“Of course.” He lays a peck on my forehead. “I want to feed my wife now. She’s had a long, hard day.”

“I’m so glad you’re all right.” Miss Theresa hugs me. Her sweet perfume shoots memories at me of how happy I was every time I set foot in that studio.

That. I want to give that feeling to someone else.

Miss Theresa goes inside, and we continue to the restaurant, where, sure enough, the owner greets us himself. He brings us to a table, and even takes our orders.

Dinner is pleasant. We eat but don’t talk. We don’t need to. We’re that comfortable with each other. Lachlan’s phone goes off several times, and he sneers at it. Fallout from what he did today, for sure.

What he did for me.

And how he put everything at risk for me.


I can’t imagine his family will continue to allow him to get away with being so reckless.

For aRussianwife.