Page 186 of Blue Collar Babes

Because she sensed something important was brewing with Remi.

“You drove it? I love that creaky old truck, Nix. So many memories of us in it during college. Can we take it tomorrow?”


“By the way, I made plans right after we disconnected. We’re going out.”

“Oh. I thought we’d be staying in, watching horror flicks in our pjs. Eating buckets of buttered parmesan popcorn and drinking too much. Remi, you whine about living in Ulen. Say how bored you are. That you need a change of fresh scenery. Blah, blah, blah … But lately … You haven’t complained. And now that I think of it, you’ve been kind of quiet. Mysterious-like. What gives?”

“Voilà! I’ve been saving to tell you until I saw you in-person. I’ve met someone. Chet’s incredible, but then you’ll meet him tonight.” Remi clapped her hands and beamed. “I think he might be ‘it,’ Nix.” She exhaled a dreamy sigh. “You’re going to love him and his friends.”

“I’m so happy for you!” This was huge news. Back in college, she and Remi made a pact. They would be each other’s maid or matron of honor. After breaking up with Johnny a year ago, Nix remained on dating hiatus. “Going out sounds fine to me.”

“Great. Chet and his friends will be at Beugy’s tonight. A guys’ night out, but I mentioned we’d be eating there. The restaurant is across the square.”

“I passed it when I drove in. Looks like a hole-in-the-wall.”

“Beugy’s is the oldest eatery in Ulen. And the best.”

Horning in on a guys’ night out wasn’t appealing to Nix. But she had to think that Remi knew her man and his friends and that they wouldn’t mind. “What time are we heading out?”

“Sevenish.” Remi dropped her chin and gave Nix a pointed look. “Why don’t you grab a shower? I’ll get some appetizers started.”

“I’m good.”

“Uh-uh. Clean up. Help yourself to whatever. The first aid kit is under the sink. Coffee?”

“Can you make an iced latte?”

“Does a duck swim?”

Belly laughter burst out of Nix. How she missed her zany friend.

“An iced latte coming right up. Think I’ll have one. Or maybe two. Chet may come back here afterward, but don’t worry. Sound doesn’t carry.” Remi’s eyes moved from the master, across the great room, to the guest room on the other side. “That goes for you, too. Chet has attractive unattached friends. You might want to hook up with one of the—”

“Remi …” Nix warned, half joking.

Remi raised her brows and shrugged. “Just saying.”

A blush stole over Nix’s neck and face when the cloaked-in-shadow farmer flashed in her mind. And her breath hitched as she remembered the gorgeous face and body revealed in the sunlight.

Could she be with someone who ignited her temper so easily? What would sex with him be like? Wild and edgy, she imagined. Her blood surged. What a harebrained thought. Enough of that. Come hell or high-water, she somehow needed to get him to sit down with her soon and negotiate a lease. But it was Friday, the first evening of a weekend with Remi. With that, she banished Jude Carpenter from the real estate in her head.

Nix padded to the ensuite bathroom. “I’m riding single tonight.”


Jude stood in the corner of the poolroom, hidden in the shadows nursing a beer, and making progress with his roast beef sandwich. He contemplated Nix Ogden, surprised to see her making quick work of a fried whole chicken, pickles, and sweet onions. Where in that slim, curvy body did she put it? She was with Remi Shay—his best friend’s girl. Chet was serious about the perky blonde.

Nix lounged in her chair; long legs extended under the table. She had changed out of the clothes she wore at the farm, an outfit that any hot-blooded man could appreciate, and now wore something even more alluring. A messy updo secured her long chestnut hair. Sandals had replaced the ridiculous heels. Denim cut-offs and a clingy top displayed plenty of sun-kissed skin, stirring his imagination and his cock.

Nix and Remi grew more animated as the level in the pitcher dropped—talking and laughing nonstop. Apparently, the women knew each other well.

Did Nix know that Remi’s boyfriend was his best friend? Did it even matter? No.

It could prove an interesting night. He wanted her and, if he had read the signs right, she was interested too. Wide, blinking hazel eyes. The pink tongue licking that bottom full lip before she bit down on it. Her gasp.Thathad gone right to his groin. He’d be willing to bet her nipples had tightened into hard points, and that thought made his mouth water.

How was he going to smooth over getting off on the wrong foot with her?