Page 185 of Blue Collar Babes

“You’re Nick? I expected a man. Not some woman who looks like a model and wears fuck-me shoes.”

She clenched her jaw hard and ground out clarification. “Nix. N-I-X. Ogden. O-G-D-E-N.”

“Hmm. My niece told me I was meeting with Nick Oden about selling land. Dammit. No wonder I couldn’t find you.”

“You looked me up? I said leasing, not selling.”

“Leasing … Selling … Whatever. The consequences are roughly the same,” Jude said heatedly. “Of course I looked you up. Apparently, my niece didn’t catch the details. She’s fourteen.” He half shrugged, as if her age explained the confusion.

“Oh. She sounded older.”

Raking a hand through his hair, he grumbled and muttered under his breath. “Ogden … You’re related to Jamison and Patrick? Mule Ogden?”

“I am. Jamison is my father. Patrick was my grandfather and Mule was my great-grandfather.”

“Then you know the history. Was it Jamison’s idea to send a woman out to sweeten the bitterness?” He growled.

“No.” It was hers. Because she wanted to prove herself to her father. She was counting on leveraging Jude’s rumored appreciation of women to move him toward signing the lease as soon as possible. The other landmen—Clive and Walter—sent out to approach the recalcitrant man failed, each chased off by a shotgun. Despite the inauspicious start, Nix was determined. She continued to stare up at his shadowed face and not flinch a muscle.

“You’re a bona fide landman?”

“I am.”

“So, you’re planning on taking one for Jamison.”

What the hell does that mean?“What motivates me is none of your concern.”

“You’re right. There will be no discussion about a lease.” He turned his head to the left and cocked it toward a barn. “But I’m not an all-out prick. Use the bathroom in there to clean up. You’re bleeding. First aid kit is in there, too. Then get the fuck off my property.”

Pissed off, Nix marched around him as best she could in four-inch stilettos in gravel. She stopped and faced him.

He had pivoted. The cap was off and crushed in his hand. The sun lit him up—thick dark hair and brows, light blue eyes, a strong jawline, a straight nose, and full lips. About six-foot-four if she had to guess. All of it, from the work boots to the dusty jeans and black vintage ZZ Top tee, only enhanced a physique of packed lean, hard muscle.

Holy fuck. She caught most of the gasp before it escaped, but was sure he had sensed all of it, and how her face expressed what she felt. Raw desire. It was all she could do not to quake in his presence. Jude Carpenter was breathtaking. A man who could make her look multiple times and bring her to her knees, anywhere. Any time.

However, she lifted her chin and fixed him with the assertive stare that worked well on her father and every man she knew. “Can we just talk, since I’m here?”

She saw the glint in his eye and how the corner of his full lips hitched up into a sexy smirk. Alarms went off inside her, but she held her ground.

“Fuck no. Thought I was clear.” His eyes meandered leisurely over her before he spoke again, deceptively soft. “If you decide you wish to have another type of conversation, let me know. I’d be up for that. Appears you might be too.” The smirk vanished, and he nodded at her. “Have a safe trip home, Nix Ogden.”

* * *

“Nix!” Remi squealed, drawing Nix into a bear hug, and pecking her cheek. “I’m so excited you’re spending the weekend. It’s so good to see you.”

“Girl, you saw me a few months ago.” Nix laughed, squeezing Remi back, and kissing her cheek.

“I know, but I always visit you or we settle on a destination.” Remi moved out of the shared hug and cleared her throat, fixing Nix with an impish smile that carried right into her eyes. “Well, you’rehere,even though it’s work that brought you and not your bestie. I forgive you. By the way, we have a destination. Tomorrow at a wonderful new spa in the next town over. A full day of pampering.”

“Sounds perfect.” It was, just what Nix needed. She could have her pedicure redone. Enjoy a massage to soothe her bruised body and ego and keep her mind from thinking about the hottest man she had ever set eyes on.

Remi frowned at her friend's appearance, noticing the blood and dirt on her clothes and the scraped knees. “Miss Put-Together looks likes she bit the dust.” Her eyes landed on the scuffed pumps. “Oh, no. What happened to your Jimmy Choos? They’re your favorite. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. Humiliated, but whole. Wearing them out to a farm was a bad idea. I had a bit of a tumble getting out of Granddad’s truck.” Nix wasn’t sharing all the details with her Remi right now.

Because Jude Carpenter had gone alphahole on her.

Because mentioning him might unleash the unsatisfied carnal hunger and simmering frustration she battled.