Page 43 of The Scarred Heart

He quirked a brow and pressed his nose into her stomach. She felt the air move across her skin as he inhaled. Lifting his head, he said, “You smell like a pregnant bear, sweetheart.”

She slipped her hand to her stomach and thought about their time in the mating cave. “Aggie said that sometimes pregnancies happened during the mating time. I didn’t think it was possible because of my wolf biology.”

He lifted off of her and slid out of the bed.

“Where are you going?” she asked.

“To get you a pregnancy test.”

“Wait,” she said, laughing, as she rose onto her elbows. “You don’t have to rush out now.”

“Aren’t you curious to know for sure?”

“Yes, but I want to finish what we were starting here, and then we can go to the drugstore.”

He growled softly as he climbed back onto the bed, pushing her legs apart to make room for his broad shoulders. She dropped back to the bed with a soft moan as Row took them both to the heavens.

* * *

Kammie looked at the pregnancy tests spanning half of one aisle in the pharmacy. She-wolves didn’t really use pregnancy tests. Normally, they could only become pregnant during the fall mating heat. A she-wolf would know when she became pregnant during the heat because the heat would actually cease, so there was little need for a test. Wilde Creek wasn’t entirely wolf, though, and there were many human females who would have a use for the tests.

“Hi Kammie!” Nila, Malachi’s human mate, said brightly as she led her son Jack down the aisle.

“Hi Nila. Hi Jack,” Kammie said, squatting down to give the cute little boy a hug. He babbled in his baby talk, holding out a stuffed wolf and saying, “Woof.”

“It sure is, kiddo,” Kammie said with a laugh. It was a joke in the pack that Malachi’s adopted son loved to woof like a dog when Malachi tried to get him to say wolf.

Kammie stood and leaned back against Row. “How are you, Nila?” Row asked as he wrapped his arms around Kammie and drew her back against his chest.

“Good, Row, thanks.” She glanced at the tests and down at her son who was shaking the wolf and giggling. “I think I might be pregnant. I didn’t want to take a test at Doc’s because I wanted it to be a surprise for Mal.” Nila was a nursing assistant and worked for the pack doctor, Gedding.

“We won’t tell,” Kammie said. “Congratulations, if it’s positive.”

“Thanks. I want to give Mal a baby of his own so badly. He treats Jack like gold, but I think all males want young of their own, you know? A wolfy sort of legacy.”

Kammie understood. “I don’t have any idea what I’m doing here.”

Nila’s head tilted slightly. “I thought wolves didn’t get pregnant outside of their heat.”

“We’re not really sure,” Kammie said and Row cut her off.


Rolling her eyes, Kammie continued, “but we think it’s because of how bears mate their females.”

“Because you’re truemates,” Nila said thoughtfully.

“Exactly,” Kammie said.

“How long has it been since the ceremony?”

“About two weeks. Row said I smell pregnant, but it’s so early. I’m not even sure if I can test yet.”

Nila turned to face the shelves and scanned the boxes. She pulled two purple boxes from one shelf and said, “This is an early detection one. They’re formulated so you don’t have to take them first thing in the morning, but we always recommend it. You can take one now and then one in the morning just to be sure.”

“Thanks, Nila,” Kammie said.

“You’re very welcome. And congratulations on your pregnancy.”