Page 44 of The Scarred Heart

Kammie and Nila hugged briefly, and then Kammie gave Jack a kiss on the cheek before leaving the aisle with Row.

Row paid for the tests, and they held hands as they walked out into the cold morning. She shivered, and Row put his arm around her, giving her a squeeze as they navigated the icy parking lot.

“Do you want to get breakfast first?” Row asked as he opened her door and then handed her the sack.

“Nope. I’ve got a date with a pregnancy test and then we’ve got to get on the road.”

“In a hurry to get back to Oakville?” He chuckled.

“You bet. We’ve got the next chapter of our lives to get started.”

He grinned, and it was her favorite smile—the one that showed a hidden dimple and made his eyes dance. “Love you, little wolf.”

“I love you too. Now let’s get on the road!”

* * *

Kammie looked around the empty house. She’d already checked every room twice. This was the place she’d called home since she moved out of Maggie’s house. Now she had a new home in Oakville, with Row and the sleuth. Somewhere along the way, she’d stopped thinking of Wilde Creek as home and started thinking of Oakville that way instead. She knew it was because she felt like she finally belonged.

Row hugged her from behind and buried his face in her neck. He kissed her with a soft growl. “Are you sad, little wolf?”

She laid her hands on top of his and sighed as he kissed her throat. “Yes and no. There are things I’ll miss, but I’m mostly happy because you and I get to start our lives together.”

His hands pressed lightly against her stomach. The first pregnancy test had turned positive immediately. Row had growled happily and hugged her. She could count on one hand the good things that had happened in her life, and all of them had happened after Row tackled her in the woods.

She turned in his arms. “I have an idea for a name for our baby.”

“Oh?” He kissed her nose and squeezed her waist lightly.

She nodded. “If it’s a girl, I want to call her Joy.”

“That’s beautiful. And if it’s a boy?”

“Nathanial, after your dad.”

Row smiled. “That’s wonderful, sweetheart. Thank you.”

“For what?”

“Being my mate. Being amazing. Being yourself.”

“It’s my pleasure. Now let’s get this show on the road. We’ve got a nursery to get ready.”

“I can’t wait.”

She went up onto her toes and kissed him. Without looking back, she left the house and locked the door, leaving the key on top of the doorframe.

Row’s mom waited in Kammie’s car on the street. After Row and Kammie had returned from the pharmacy and she’d taken her pregnancy test, Dani and Adam had come to say goodbye, bringing Row’s mom with them.

Kammie wished that Dani and Adam were coming to the sleuth with them, but she understood that they’d made the choice to stay in Wilde Creek. Dani seemed remarkably content already.

Dani’s face was shiny with tears, and Adam was consoling her. “Take care of my sister,” Row said, shaking Adam’s hand and giving Dani a last hug.

“With my life,” Adam vowed.

“It’ll be spring before you know it, and you’ll be able to come and visit,” Kammie said softly to Dani as she hugged her closely.

“I know. I’m just being emotional. It’s hard to say goodbye, but it’s a good thing to move on in our lives, right?”