Page 27 of Rock Chick Rescue

I gaped at him, mouth open and everything.

I shook myself out of my pissed-off stupor and yelled, “Stay out of it!”

“I gave you fair warning, Jet. I’m already in it,” he replied, cool as can be.

I narrowed my eyes and planted my hands on my hips. “Not anymore. Your role in this scenario has been played.”

He rocked back on his heels and smiled, dimple and all. “Never seen you angry.”

“This isn’t angry. You haven’t seen angry yet,” I declared.

That was a lie. I tended to be a pretty mellow person, all in all. I didn’t get angry often and that was about as angry as I’d ever been.

“Then, considering you’re sexy as hell right now, I’m lookin’ forward to angry.”

His words threw me and it was a miracle I didn’t stagger backward.

Then panic coursed through me and I started to stomp toward the bookshelves when Eddie said to my back, “This is familiar, guess it’s time to hide.”

It was likely a mixture of humiliation and heretofore unknown temper that made me swing around and stomp right back to him. That, and the fact I was seeing red. I guess he really hadn’t “seen angry yet” but then again, neither had I.

I got toe to toe with him and yelled in his face, “Leave me and my dad alone, Eddie Chavez!”

Eddie leaned into me, so close he was all I could see.

Quietly, he asked, “Is it wrong that I want to kiss you right now?”

I kind of growled, low in my throat, too angry to be freaked out by what he said.

“Dios mio,cariño, you’re adorable.”

“I’m no longer speaking to you,” I told him.

“Yes you are. Three o’clock, then it’s you, me and a pitcher of margaritas,” he responded.

I walked away (well, maybe more like flounced), behind the espresso counter and started banging around, completely ignoring him and everyone.

A couple of minutes later, Tex said, surprisingly quietly, “It’s okay, darlin’, he’s gone.”

I looked to Tex and Indy as she came behind the counter.

“What am I gonna do?” I asked.

“Go with it?” Tex suggested.

“Do you want to talk?” Indy asked.

I shook my head.

“Thanks. I need to get my head together. Maybe later,” I told her.

“Anytime Jet, do you know that?” Indy asked.

“Know what?”

“That anytime you need to talk, or need anything, you can call me. Do you know that?”

I felt tears sting my eyes. I nodded and turned away, got back to work and missed the look Indy and Tex exchanged.