Page 26 of Rock Chick Rescue

Lee and Indy’s attention switched to Dad, but Eddie kept looking at me. His eyes were active again and his hand moved from my waistband to hook an arm around my neck, curling me into him. We were nearly chest-to-chest and I had to splay my hand against his abs to push a bit away from him. His arm tightened, holding me where I was.

His head dipped and he said in my ear, “I’ve just added a couple of things to my list of shit we need to talk about.”

That was not a good thing.

He turned me around, still holding me to his side with his arm around my neck, and he looked to Dad.

“Seems we need to have a conversation, Ray.”

Dad looked between Eddie and me, a smile playing on his mouth.

“Jet was held at knifepoint last night by a guy named Slick. You know anything about that?” Eddie went on.

The smile left Dad’s face. Indy gasped. Dad’s eyes moved to Lee, back to Eddie, and then to me.

“You okay?” Dad asked.

“He didn’t hurt me,” I told him.

“Fuck, Jet,” Dad said, then dropped his head into his hand and wiped his eyes with his thumb and forefinger.

“Says you owe him something,” Eddie added.

Dad looked up.

“I’ll talk to him,” he said to Eddie. Then he turned to me. “I’ll talk to him,” he repeated.

“You do that,” Eddie returned. “Somethin’ else, Ray. Jet’s involvement in this began and ended last night with her conversation with Slick. Do you get me?”

My whole body tightened and I glared at Eddie.

This was family business. Who did he think he was?

But Dad answered Eddie. “Yeah. Yeah. No problem. It’s over. I’ll take care of it.” Dad looked at me. “I’ll take care of it, Jet. I promise.”

“Why don’t you do it now?” Lee suggested.

Dad looked at Lee and fear came in his eyes. “Now’s a good time.”

He got up and I pulled away from Eddie and went to him.

“Are you okay?”

“Fine. Sure.” He hugged me. “I’ll get this sorted, Princess Jet. Nothin’ to worry about.” He kissed my cheek then his hand came up as if to touch where he kissed, but it dropped away.

“Thanks for the donut,” he said, then, without another word or even a look, he took off.

The minute the door closed behind him I whirled on Eddie.

I didn’t know what came over me. Lack of sleep, maybe. Seeing my dad like that. Whatever, I let him have it.

“That was family business!” I snapped.

Eddie stared down at me. “Your family?”


“Since you’re my business, then that’s my business.”