Page 179 of Rock Chick Rescue

She could say that again, but only in a good way.

The bell went over the door and I looked up.

Tex was wheeling Mom in.

“Hey, dollface,” Mom called.

“I’m not talking to you,” I called back loud enough that the Hot Crew quieted and looked at me. I ignored them. “And especially not you,” I said to Tex.

“What’d I do?” Mom asked, eyes round.

“Don’t give me no shit, Loopy Loo,” Tex boomed, but quietly (don’t ask me how, but he managed it). “I’m in no mood.”

“You got my mom drunk!” I shouted, hand on hip (where I was getting this hand on hip business I didnotknow, but I was digging it).

Tex winced. “Stop yelling.”

“I’m not yelling!” I yelled.

They made it to me. Mom grabbed my hand, totally ignored my outburst and said, “Tex is going to teach me how to make espressos, cappuccinos, lattes, everything. He says there are at least a dozen syrup flavors, even burnt marshmallow! Isn’t that right, Tex?”

Her eyes were shining.

Dear Lord.

“That’s right, Nance,” Tex replied and wheeled Mom around where I stood in the middle of the front of the store and took her behind the espresso counter.

“Nance?” I asked, turning in a half circle to follow their progress.

Mom threw me her majorette smile.

Tex glowered.

“Don’t you have shit to do?” he asked.

I opened my mouth to say something. I didn’t know what, but it was going to besomething, when the bell over the door went again. I looked in that direction and Smithie was walking in.

My glare transferred to Smithie.

“I’m not talking to you!” I yelled.

“Shee-it, bitch. What’s your problem?” Smithie shot back.

“You fired me!” I shouted.

His hands went out at his sides. “I didn’t fire you. I just put you on unscheduled, unpaid vacation.”

“Yeah, you fired me!” I snapped back.

“I’m guessin’ from the attitude you don’t have your shit sorted out yet,” Smithie remarked.

“No, I don’t. I’m working on it, okay?” I retorted.

He walked up to me and handed me an envelope. “Your tips from Saturday.”

The wind went out of my sails. It was a nice thing to do, coming all the way down to Fortnum’s to give me my tips.

I took them.