Page 178 of Rock Chick Rescue

Dear Lord.

I had to admit, I liked long showers. At least, I liked long showers with Eddie.

I didn’t tell Eddie that.

Instead, I said, “I’m pretty certain I don’t like you.”

To which he replied, “You’re so full of shit.”

The smile was back in his voice.

I sighed and flipped my phone shut.

What else could I do?

* * *

Indy strolled in mid-morning.“How’d it go with Eddie?” she asked when she dumped her bag in the locked drawer behind the book counter.

“Darius told on me,” I answered.

She nodded. “He told on me too.”

“How did Lee take it?” I asked.

“Lee’s used to me doing crazy shit. What I want to know is, how’d Eddie take it?”

“He didn’t like it, but he got over it.”

For some reason, this made me happy and I grinned at her.

She grinned back.

* * *

Half an hourlater Vance walked in with another one of Lee’s boys, a guy named Mace.

Mace didn’t come around very often. According to Indy, he was more of a nighttime person.

Mace had to be six foot three, had the prerequisite Nightingale Investigation Team killer bod, black hair, jade eyes and a jaw so square, it could be used in math class.

Indy reported that Mace had some native Hawaiian in him and was supposedly a top-notch surfer. This wasn’t surprising. Even for a big guy, Mace had the grace of a top-notch athlete who knew how to use his body. He gave up the surfing game when he discovered snowboarding. Then he lost the boarder Zen when some shit hit with his sister and he gave upthatgame to go recreational in his spare time. Now, in his not so spare time, he hunted people for Lee and cracked heads together when the mood struck (which was a lot).

Indy didn’t know what the shit that hit with his sister was about, except it was seriously not good and it put Mace in a perpetual bad mood.

One more thing: Mace was hot. All Lee’s guys were hot in one way or another, but Mace was a little different. Mace wasbroodyhot.

Ten minutes after Mace and Vance settled into the comfy seating area with coffees, Lee and another of his guys, Matt, walked in.

“Summit,” Duke muttered, eyeing the boys, and Indy, Jane and I watched as Matt peeled off to sit with Vance and Mace. Lee came over and ordered coffee.

Sometimes Lee would hold summits in Fortnum’s. I didn’t know why. I didn’t ask and when they did, I steered clear.

The summit’s significance magnified when Hank arrived and didn’t even bother buying a coffee. Hank was a cop, not one of the boys, and his presence made things official.

It also put the hotness quotient of Fortnum’s seating area into uncharted levels.

“Yikes,” Indy said.