Chapter 25

The truth that was always there.


It was surprising how well my parents had taken the news after discovering who the father of the baby was. At first, they’d had a lot of questions because they hadn’t known that Hunter and I had become more than friends. However, the fact that Hunter was familiar to them, coupled with the fact that my parents knew and spoke to Henry and Viola Finley often, I could tell that my parents had been happy about Hunter not being a complete stranger.

After I had answered all of their questions and had assured them that I was as happy about the situation as I could be, I had called Hunter to let him know that the worst was over. We had shared our stories briefly before agreeing that it’d be a good idea for all of us to meet to discuss the situation some more. Though Hunter and I had already made our decision, we’d both known that our parents were going to need to feel included in all this. After all, we’d barely left the nest, so they were still grappling with us being so far away from home, and now this.

At any rate, everything had gone better than I could have hoped, and with everyone promising to help us in any way that they could, I couldn’t have been more grateful. I knew that mine wasn’t the typical happily ever after in a situation like this, and so while I still doubted a lot, I didn’t doubt Hunter or his commitment to me. I’d found one of the good guys, and I planned on keeping him.

Once we’d all gotten done talking about the baby, we had called Edie and Mrs. Draven over to join us at my parents’ house, and it’d been nice having everyone together again. Though we hadn’t done it often, we’d all gotten together during our birthdays and stuff like that a lot last year. It’d also been sweet how Lars couldn’t shut up about being an uncle. Of course, that’d been when he hadn’t been complaining about Edie and her ‘wild’ ways.

I also knew that I was going to have to make more trips back home now that I was pregnant. There was no way that my parents weren’t going to worry about me, so it was the least that I could do after the way they had chosen to support me through all this, rather than cast me out.

“Do you think there’s student housing for expectant parents?”

I turned to look over at Hunter. We were back at his dorm, Baron off doing whatever it was that Baron did. In this instance, that was a good thing for us since peace and quiet were a welcomed thing right now. Though I’d been happy to see my parents and get the worst part of all this out of the way, it’d been a lot, and I’d felt it on the drive back home.

“I’m not sure,” I replied. “I’m guessing that we can find out.”

“I’m thinking that they have to,” Hunter went on. “In this day and age, we’re not the only people in college while expecting a baby.”

I laid my head on his chest, no longer spooning. “We can still take things slow, Hunter,” I pointed out. “We don’t have to move in together right away.”

“You’re fucking crazy, girl,” he huffed, clearly offended. “If you think that we’re going to continue living in the dorms if we don’t have to, then you’re out of your beautiful mind.”

“The semester has already started, Hunter,” I reminded him. “There’s no way that there’s any available housing anymore.”

“We’ll figure it out,” he promised. “If we have to keep living in the dorms this semester, then we will. However, that doesn’t mean that we can’t inquire for next semester.”

Deciding not to get into a huge debate with him about it, I said, “Is it crazy that I still feel relieved at how everything went well today?”

Hunter chuckled underneath my cheek. “Not considering how I still feel relieved that your father didn’t hunt me down and cut off my balls.”

“He took it a lot better than I thought he was going to,” I admitted. “Even though this isn’t ideal for him as a father, I think he feels better knowing that it wasn’t a complete stranger that knocked up his little girl.”

“I didn’t knock you up,” he lied. “God presented me with an opportunity to be with the love of my life forever, and so I took it.”

That had me choking out a laugh. “Oh, I’m sure that’s exactly what happened.”

“Can you prove otherwise?” he teased.

“Tell me that we’re not crazy, Hunter,” I told him. “When I think about it too long, I feel like we’re crazy for thinking that we can do this.”

I immediately found myself on my back, Hunter’s large frame braced above me. He was looking down at me like we hadn’t just been teasing each other a few seconds ago. He looked serious and focused, and it was a sexy look on the guy.

“While it might begin to feel crazy every now and again, that doesn’t mean thatwe’recrazy, Alexandria,” he said. “Yeah, we might be taking on a lot, but that doesn’t mean that we’re crazy. It just means that we’re committed to this and each other. That’s admirable, not crazy.”

“Hunter, I…”

His brows furrowed. “What, baby? You, what?”

“I know that there aren’t any guarantees in life, and…and I’m not asking for one,” I assured him. “I just want to be clear about something.”

“What’s that?”

“Please don’t think that I’m doubting what you feel or your commitment to me, but if you ever…” The words kind of got stuck in my throat. While I’d do this alone if I had to, I wanted Hunter with me for this. “If you ever change your mind or start feeling differently-”