“Don’t fucking say it, Alexandria.”

“-about me, I want you to tell me,” I continued. “I don’t ever want you feeling guilty or whatever if you wake up one day and discover that you were wrong about us.”

“That’s never going to happen, Alex.”

“I’m not saying that it is,” I sighed, knowing that I’d offended him. “I’m just letting you know thatifit were to ever happen, it’s okay.”

“It’s not okay,” he argued. “Because if it’s okay for me to change my mind or fall out of love with you, then you’re saying that it’s okay for you to do the same, and it’s not. It’s so fucking not, Alexandria.”

“Hunter, I’m just saying-”

His lips came down on mine, effectively shutting up any future doubts.



This girl was out of her fucking mind if she thought that I could ever change my mind about us. With the taste of her lips on mine, with the way that her tongue was dancing with mine, the feel of her body beneath mine, there was no fucking way in hell that I’d ever give Alexandria up. Regardless of what people might think, I wasn’t too young to know that what I felt for Alexandria was the real thing. I wasn’t too young to understand the importance of commitment. I wasn’t too young to love this girl for the rest of my life.

Alexandria drew her knees up, making room for my hips to press up against hers. I had no idea if Baron was going to come back soon or not, but there was no way that I was leaving from this spot until Alexandria got it through her thick skull that there was no changing our minds for either of us.

Pulling back, I stared down at her. “I will never let you change your mind about us, Alexandria.” I pushed my hips against hers harder. “I will never let you fall out of love with me, baby.”


“It’s you and me, Alex,” I told her. “Even when all the kids are grown and out of the house, it’s going to be you and me.”

“Okay,” she whispered, nodding, but that wasn’t good enough for me.

“Say the words, baby,” I ordered. “Tell me that you believe me.”


“Say it,” I ordered again. “Even if you don’t believe it right now, say it, Alexandria.” I pushed against her again. “Just tell me what I want to hear, baby. Please.”

“It’s you and me,” she obeyed. “Even when the kids are grown and gone, it’s going to be you and me.”

“I love you, Alexandria,” I said, my dick hard and ready for her. “I love you, and you’re marrying me. You’re marrying me as soon as we fill out the fucking paperwork.”

“Hunter, we don’t have to,” she replied. “We can still take things slow-”

“That’s where you’re wrong,” I informed her. “We have to because I need you with me, Alex. I want it all with you, and I can’t have it all if you don’t marry me.” I leaned down, placing a kiss on her cheek. “Baby, I don’t want you to be my pregnant girlfriend. I want you to be my family. I want you to be my wife. I want you signing your goddamn name Alexandria Finley for the rest of your life. I want the world to know that you belong to me; I wantyouto know that you belong to me.”

“I love you,” she whispered, her voice breaking with emotion. “I love you, and I want it all with you, too. I want us to work so badly, Hunter.”

“We will, baby,” I promised her. “No matter what I have to do in order to make that happen, I will.”


“Yeah, baby?”

“Are you expecting Baron back any time soon?”

I could feel myself grin. “I thought you didn’t mind getting fucked in public?”

Alexandria barked out a laugh, and it sounded so perfect to my ears. Again, I could handle whatever she was feeling, but I hated thinking or knowing that she was sad; that one killed me.

Her hands reached up as she wrapped them around my neck. “You know, I heard a rumor that pregnant girls get super horny.”