“Wh…what?” Mom finally stammered.

I could feel my eyes start to well up, but I wasn’t even sure if that was from the pressure or the hormones of the entire situation. “I’m pregnant,” I repeated in a whisper.

In a steady voice that surprised me, Dad said, “I imagine that you wouldn’t be telling us this unless you were certain.”

I nodded. “I’m certain.”

No one said anything for a long enough moment that my conscience pricked at the back of my eyes again. I didn’t want to cry in front of my parents because I didn’t want this to feel like bad news, though it really wasn’t good news. I honestly had no idea what kind of news this was, and I’d never felt more grateful for Kenzlee’s quiet support.

Finally, Dad asked, “Have you made a decision on how you want to…do you know what you want to do, Alexandria?”

“Are you mad at me?” I asked like I was seven-years-old all over again.

“I don’t know how I feel right now,” he answered honestly, and I could respect that. “I’d rather deal with the practicality of the situation first.”

“I want to keep the baby,” I said, and my mother’s eyes immediately started to shine with tears.

Dad grabbed her hand, squeezed it, but kept looking at me. “Okay, okay,” he said steadily. “That narrows down a lot of questions.”

“Do you plan on staying in school or are you coming home?” Mom asked, and I knew she was hoping that I’d come home. Sheri Grant was a good mother, and I could see her wanting to see me through this.

“I plan on staying in school,” I answered. “The plan is to keep going to school and working until I’m too far along to do both.” I looked between my parents. “Next year, I might not be able to work, but I’ll still be able to take classes, even with the baby.”

“How’s that?” Dad asked, eyeing me, avoiding the one question that he was dying to ask.

“I’ll have a lot of support, Dad,” I told him.

“So, the fatherdoesplan on being in the picture?” Mom asked, and the question sounded so tacky, though I knew that it was a fair question.

“Yes, he does,” I answered. “In fact, it was his idea to choose our courses next year to make sure that we won’t need any childcare during the year.”

“Who is he?” Dad finally asked. “Who is this boyfriend that we’ve never heard of?” I knew that was his not-so-subtle way of asking me if I was pregnant by a boyfriend or a one-night stand.

This was flippin’ embarrassing.

“Hunter Finley,” I announced, and it was comical how wide their eyes bugged out.

“Hunter Finley?” Dad echoed. “The Hunter Finley? Talon’s best friend?ThatHunter Finley?”

I nodded. “Yes, that Hunter Finley.”

“How…wh...when did you two start dating?” Mom asked, still in shock.

“Almost as soon as the school year started,” I semi-lied, trying to keep my dad from killing Hunter. “We…our friendship turned into something more, and…and he’s a good guy.”

“Hunter Finley,” Dad repeated, muttering like he didn’t know what else to say.

After a few quiet moments, Mom finally asked, “And how does Hunter feel about all this?”

I couldn’t help but smile. “He loves me, Mom. He loves me, and I really wished that I had known it sooner.” Her face immediately softened. “I have no regrets.”

Her tears started to fall, Dad immediately wrapping his arm around her. “That’s good, honey.”

With Mom’s blessing out of the way, I looked over at my father. “Dad?”

“No, honey,” he said, finally answering me. “I’m not mad at you.”

I was nothing but a blubbering mess after that.