“Every man needs luck when dealing with a woman,” he snorted. “No matter how happy she might seem.”

“You do realize that you sound like a complete misogynist, right?”

The guy just kept grinning. “Ask Jersey just how much I love women.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “Thanks for the advice, but I think I’m good.”

“Just get your shit together, Finley,” he said. “I don’t like it when my girl’s upset, and she really likes you, Alex, and Anthony.”

“Look, I get where you’re coming from, but you don’t have to worry about me or Alex,” I assured him. “We’re good.”

Cannon gave me a terse nod, not calling me out on my lie before he went back to doing whatever he’d been doing. He pretty much had run of the place, but then why wouldn’t he?

After rotating the boxes, I went to go check on Alexandria. When I walked out into the shop, I noticed that a lot of people had already left for the day, the clock ticking quickly to closing time. When I spotted Alex, she still looked slightly pale, but I decided that I wasn’t going to let that deter me. Yeah, she wasn’t feeling well, but this was important, and we’d put it off long enough.

Approaching her, I asked, “We still good for tonight?”

If possible, her face paled even more. “Wh…what?”

“We were going to talk after work, remember?”

“No, yeah…” she muttered. “I just…I think I feel a headache coming on-”

“Okay, so instead of meeting up for a beer, I’ll meet you at your dorm,” I offered, feeling a bit like an asshole, but not letting her get out of this.

“Hunter, can this wait-”

“No,” I said, interrupting her. “We need to talk, Alexandria.” Her entire frame deflated. “I get that you don’t feel well, and I’ll let you rest. However, you can rest after we talk.” I cupped the left side of her face with my hand. “I’ll even take care of you afterwards.”

“Fine,” she relented, but she sounded fucking miserable, pricking at my conscience.

“I’ll be by about an hour after we get off work,” I informed her. “Do you want me to bring some food?”

She looked like she was going to argue, but then she said, “Yeah, that’d be great.”

I lifted my other hand, cupping her face in both my hands. “It’s just a talk, Alex.” She didn’t look convinced. “If things get…heated, then we can call it quits until you feel better.”

Her hands came up to wrap around my wrists. “No,” she sighed. “Might as well get this over with now, right?”

Yeah, that didn’t sound encouraging at all.

Chapter 16

The mistakes that we repeat.


Iknocked on the door, praying that Jessica wasn’t here. Nevertheless, even if she were, then we could just go to my place. For all that Baron had claimed that he wasn’t going to get swept up in the partying, he’d been heading to another frat party when I’d been leaving the room myself.

When Alexandria opened the door, she didn’t look happy to see me, which sucked. However, I didn’t let that deter me. If she really wasn’t feeling well, then I’d go easy on her, but that was it. We were having this talk, even if it killed me.

“How are you feeling?” I asked as she stepped back to let me into her room.

“I feel better,” she mumbled, shutting the door behind her.

“Are you hungry?” I asked, turning to face her.

Alexandria shook her head. “No, I’m good.” My eyes tracked her as she walked over to her bed. “I grabbed a couple of tacos after work.”