Making my way over, I didn’t wait for an invitation before taking a seat next to her. “Alexandria, look at me.” As soon as those light eyes looked up at me, I said, “I’m sorry about Friday night.”

Her head jerked back in surprise. “What?”

No one liked to admit when they were wrong, but this was about more than just being wrong. I considered Alexandria to be one of my closest friends, and it was hard to admit that I hadn’t treated her as she’d deserved when giving away something so fucking precious.

“I never should have slept with you after you’d been drinking,” I finally confessed, the weight on my chest easing up a bit. “I know that you never would have done it had you not been drinking, and…honestly, I’m not the type of guy that sleeps with drunk girls and-”


The sound of her voice had me pulling back a bit. “Uh…I’m…I’m just trying to apologize for taking advantage of you Friday night.”

Alexandria stared up at me blankly.

Then she blinked.

Then she blinked again.

Finally, she said, “Let me get this straight. You’re here to apologize for taking advantage of me Friday night?”

Her voice still had me feeling wary. “Well, yeah,” I answered. “I knew that you’d been drinking heavily, and I know that you never would have given me your…virginity had you been sober.”

Alexandria’s tongue peeked out from the corner of her lips. “You think that I was drunk?”

I shrugged. “Maybe notdrunkby the time we’d gotten back to my place, but still inebriated enough to do something as stupid as give me your virginity.”

She ran her hands through her dark hair, muttering, “I can’t believe this.”

“I’m sorry,” I repeated. “I’m sorry, and I want you to know that I don’t want to lose you as a friend, Alex.”

Her hands dropped back in her lap. “You don’t want to lose me as a friend,” she echoed.

I was fucking this all up.

I knew that I was.

Standing up, I ran my hands through my own hair, feeling agitated by how much I was fucking this up. As I stared down at her, Alexandria was just looking up at me like I’d grown an extra set of ears. She looked confused, and I had no idea what to make of that. Granted, I should probably just be happy that she wasn’t screaming at me that she hated me, so there was that.

Sitting back down next to her, I grabbed her hands in mine. “Look, Alexandria-”

“Stop, Hunter,” she said, and my chest tightened at the sound of her voice. “Really, just stop.”

This wasn’t good.

“I’m not going to let you stop me from apologiz-”

“Hunter, stop,” she repeated, squeezing my hands. “Honestly, you have nothing to apologize for.”

I shook my head. “Don’t do that, Alex.”

Her brows furrowed. “Do what?”

“Let me off the hook like that for the sake of civility,” I told her. “I get that you might not want to cause any issues for Talon and Kenzlee, but what I did was wrong, and-”

Alexandria started laughing, but it didn’t sound humorous to my ears. Her laugh sounded troubled, and I didn’t like that. I was already feeling like an asshole where this situation was concerned, so I definitely didn’t need Alex laughing at me about it.

“Alex, what’s wrong?”

She let out a heavy sigh, those icy eyes looking up at me again. “Do you want to know why I’ve been avoiding you?”