Page 59 of Discovering Damon

“That’s right, horror movies and murder documentaries.”

I waggle my eyebrows and squeeze his hand.

“I’m not going to murder you. This place is just in the town over.”

“You can murder me any time…with your dick.”

Tomas lets out a surprised laugh and then shakes his head. “You’re ridiculous.”

“I am, in the best way. But god, I’m so excited about this. It’s like the best surprise date ever.”

“Never been on one of those before?” he asks.

“No. Never. My dates have always been predictable. I love that you leave me guessing. I love the suspense.”

“I’m glad because I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing.”

“I don’t care. I love this. I love everything about it.”

He smiles at me and something shifts in my chest. I know I told myself I didn’t want to get hurt and to not go there with this guy, but I can’t help myself. I’m already falling. It’s too late now.

I’m a fucking goner.



What the hell was I thinking taking him out to the middle of nowhere? This is Damon. He’s glitter, class, and sex. And here I am, driving him out into the boonies. Literally. There’s a tumbleweed rolling across the road.

For fuck’s sake.

But those dinner reservations at that fancy restaurant in the city just didn’t make sense. I went back and forth with it, tried to call them three times, thinking about what Damon is likely used to. But I just couldn’t do it.

It all felt wrong. It didn’t feel like me. Like us.

So I ditched the reservations, left them in the dust, got drunk, and decided on this. It was such a good idea at the time, but when the old screen appears in the dark sky, my nerves come roaring back to life. I can’t believe I’m going to do this. I can’t believe I ever thought this was a good idea.

“Holy shit,” Damon breathes as I pull into the entryway of the old drive-in I found online. “Is this a drive-in movie theater?”

The lilt of his voice sounds excited. That’s a good sign, I think. I nod my head as we pull up to the gate to pay. I pull out my wallet and hand the woman some cash, nodding as she gives us directions on where to park and what time the movie starts.

Damon’s obviously not listening, swiveling in his seat and taking it all in, his mouth agape. “I didn’t know these things still existed! I mean, I’ve seen them in movies and stuff, but they actually still have them? I had no fucking idea, Tomas. This is so damn cool.”

He squirms in his seat some more and then rolls the window down and sticks his head out of it like a dog.

I chuckle out loud at the sight as I find a spot in the back next to one of the many speakers. The screen is on, but it’s still just previews.

“Wow, there’s a lot of people here. Who knew?” he says as he unbuckles at the same time as I do. He scoots over to sit right by my side. “This is so incredibly romantic. You brought me to a drive-in movie. Are we going to make out like teenagers too?”

“We can,” I say, turning my head to look into his ecstatic eyes. “But really, I know it’s not fancy, but I hope you like it. I want you to have a good time.”

His eyes roll dramatically. “No. None of this self-doubt. I told you before and I meant it.” He squeezes my thigh. “I love it. This is perfect. I really didn’t know these things existed in real life. How did you find out about this place?”

I shrug my shoulder, but my lips curl up in a small smile. “I don’t know. I thought maybe I could take you to a movie, but it sounded too boring. Way too mundane for you.” He’s grinning at that, beaming actually. And I know now that my instincts were right about him. About us. “But then this place came up on Google. I guess it was big in the fifties and closed down, but a couple of years ago, an older, retired couple decided to give it a revamp.”

“I love it. So cool.” He looks around, his eyes falling to the right. “Oh my god popcorn. We have to go get supplies!” He’s practically giddy as he tugs my hand, the two of us sliding out of the car, heading over to the concession stand, our fingers laced together. I glance down at our connected bodies and feel my heart flutter in my chest. Part nerves, part excitement. Glancing around, I note no one is paying attention to us, and then I mentally chastise myself. I shouldn’t care what anyone else thinks.

Squeezing his hand in mine, Damon peers back at me, a grin on his face.