Page 60 of Discovering Damon

He looks so fucking happy and it makes my heart jump in my chest. That’s all I ever want to do. Make him happy.

“Oh my god, they have Skittles,” he raves and then groans when he picks up a packet of Sour Patch Kids. He’s like a kid in a candy store as he piles his arms with treats and then places an order for popcorn and soda. I manage to order us two hotdogs so we have something in our stomachs before we gorge on unhealthy shit all night.

“Oh yes, hotdogs. I do love a good weiner,” Damon says and then chuckles as my cheeks flame. But the woman behind the counter only waggles her eyebrows.

“I love a big weiner too.”

Damon high-fives her, and I shake my head at his antics. Shit, this guy is so out of my league in looks and humor. I don’t know what he sees in me.

I swear I have no fucking clue.

“Alright, we are prepared,” he says, grabbing on to the bag the woman hands us and then juggling the container of popcorn that is nearly as big as his torso. “We can survive a few hours with this.”

“I’m sure we can,” I say, as I lead him back to the car.

I’m sure Damon’s never had a date like this before, and I realize I’m his first. I really fucking like that. More than I probably should. More than is reasonable.

We settle in and Damon rips open a pack of candy before stuffing his mouth full of popcorn.

“God, buttery deliciousness,” he murmurs, his eyes turning toward the large screen. “Seriously, Tomas. You did good. I am so fucking happy right now.”

My chest swells with that, and I take a bite of my hot dog, chewing as the movie starts. Damon squeals and then settles back into his seat. I find myself watching him more than the screen because even if I’m confused by my sudden attraction to a man, I know it’s because it’s Damon.

I’m attracted to this guy right across from me, and I’m not sure what that means or what that makes me, but I don’t really care. The label doesn’t matter to me anymore. All that matters is Damon and how he makes me feel.


That’s how.

“What?” Damon asks, catching me staring. We polished off the hot dogs and the popcorn and are now making our way through the candy.

“Nothing,” I say, feeling sheepish.

“Oh, you were looking at something. It’s me, huh? Do I have food on my face or were you admiring the view?”

My eyes slide down his torso. He lost his cardigan earlier so now he’s clad only in that sheer shirt.

“The view,” I say and then pop a malt ball in my mouth.

Damon peers up at me and then snuggles into my side.

“You can look all you want when we get home. I’ll even take out the magnifying glass if you want.”

I shake my head, a laugh leaving my lips.

“I don’t need a magnifying glass.”

“Suit yourself,” he says and then turns his gaze back to the screen. I lean my face into his hair and inhale, taking note of the way he smells. Fresh and sweet. Like fruit and candy.

My hands tighten on him and he snuggles in closer, and that’s how we sit until the credits roll across the screen.

Damon turns toward me and pecks me on the lips.

“That was amazing. I never want to go to a normal theater again. Only drive-ins for me from now on.”

I smile at him and then let my hand slide through his hair, pulling his lips back onto mine. He falls into me, his mouth parting and our tongues meet in a slow crash.

A groan escapes him, and I swallow it down, feeling the tension in the car amp up, the air growing thicker the longer we kiss. Pretty soon the car windows will be fogged up. Everyone will know what we’re doing in here.