Page 55 of Discovering Damon

I don’t know why I was freaking out earlier. Have no clue. It all makes perfect sense now. Maybe I just needed to come so that I could think clearly.

“Okay,” I say softly. “And I want to take you out on that date. I really fucking do.”

Because this right here, this feels fucking right.

“Okay, we can do that.”

I pull him into me and burrow my face in his hair, inhaling that exotic scent he wears so well. And that’s how I fall asleep, my mind clear, my body tucked into his.

I’ve never slept better.



A date.

An actual real date. And not only that, but I’ve decided to stay with the moms for a little longer even though they really don’t need me around here. Carter and Reed should be back from Kansas next week, and then it will really get crowded in this house.

But when I told Carter that I’m staying with his moms for a little longer, he sounded thrilled. He even asked if I’d be doing more filming with the hottie from the other night.

I snorted at that because I have to blame that entire situation on temporary insanity caused by intense horniness. That’s the only way to explain it. He lost his fucking mind, and I reaped all the benefits. I can’t imagine Tomas would ever plan on going on camera with me again.

Although, hell, maybe he would.

The man just continues to surprise me. Like with this spontaneous date. I’m far too nervous about letting this man take me out. We slept together last night, and here I am, worried about a dinner date?

A little fork and spoon action. A little nibbling.

That’s all right up my alley.

It makes no sense at all.

Just no sense.

Still, I stare into the mirror after getting dressed and wonder if I should change for the third time. I mean, I look fabulous and my hair is absolute perfection. I know it, but is it enough?

Am I enough for him?

Is he going to regret this because I’m not a woman?

The thought plagues me, but I brush it aside. I haven’t been on a date in ages. My nerves are jittery and excited. I glance at myself in the mirror and objectively, I know how I look, but I’m trying to look at myself through his eyes.

What is he going to see when he looks at me for the first time?

I have no fucking clue and I don’t know what to do about it. I have never been more scared in my entire life. The doorbell ringing has me jumping. I hear Hannah yelling loudly and the moms bustling to the door. Oh god, help me. Those women, I swear. Poor Tomas. He has no idea what he’s gotten himself into. But then again, he has sisters, so maybe he does.

“Oh, you look so handsome, Tomas,” Tasmin and Amara exclaim. Hannah looks unimpressed and it’s only when he produces her a cookie that she seems to warm up.

“I guess you do look nice,” she says with her adorable sassiness we all can’t help but love.

Tasmin shakes her head and Amara leans down to whisper something in her ear—a teaching moment, I’m sure. But my eyes are on Tomas—that broad chest, those big arms. The way his button-up shirt stretches across his pecs, his hair styled artfully, his stubble…gah. I want that to rub my cheeks when he kisses me again.

He looks totally and completely edible. Like a watermelon.

Ripe and juicy. Goddamn is he hot. Please let this work out.

“You’re drooling,” Amara says, and I flush bright red as I make my way toward the door.