Page 56 of Discovering Damon

“Yes, well, look who it is. I mean, can you blame me?”

Hannah shrugs and the moms nod their heads. Well, at least they’re in agreement. The dogs crowd us, getting hair on my perfectly pressed black jeans.

“I swear, you boobs. Get away from me,” I say, but Peanut succeeds in slobbering all over my thigh.

“I am going to set you loose in the hills,” I threaten, but he just slobbers on me again, making Hannah laugh hysterically, shooting cookie crumbs across the floor. I can’t help but grin at her, happy that she’s laughing. She’s always been so cheerful despite her circumstances, but here with the moms, she’s thriving. Reed needed help raising his sister and they delivered. They absolutely adore her.

“Well, now I have to change my pants. Give me a minute, Tomas,” I say, stalking back to my room and closing the door before Nibblet can get inside. I swear, sometimes dogs are like shadows and not the strong silent type, but the noisy slobbering kind.

And I do love a bit of slobber, but only from Tomas.

When my pants have been changed, I wrap a towel around my waist to block any goo that might come from the doggos’ orifices and nearly run out of the house. That was my first mistake because the dogs chase me, obviously thinking I’m playing.

I amnotplaying.

“Oh for fuck’s sake,” I grumble as I stumble onto the porch, nearly falling onto the ground as they scuttle after me.

“Shoo,” I say and then look up to see Amara and Tasmin trying to wrangle their heathen dogs, but not succeeding. They’re laughing and smiling a little too wide at the moment. They probably think this is funny, but it’s not. This is life or death.

“Don’t be dramatic, that boy is gaga over you. Doesn’t matter that your pants might be a little ruined!” Tasmin shouts. “They’ll be ruined by the end of the night anyways. With bodily fluids.”

“Oh my god!” I shout as Peanut grabs onto my towel and tries to wrench it away. Probably thinks it’s a chew toy.

“We aren’t total prudes!” Amara shouts back as I move Peanut away with my foot. Tomas is chuckling on the sidelines, and I glower at him when Peanut moves his focus from the towel and is now nibbling on my shoelaces.

“Not the shoes, you boob!”

Peanut woofs and then pulls on my towel again, making me squeal.

I tried. I really did. I wanted to look presentable for my first date, but it seems I’m going to end up getting into Tomas’s car with a towel around my waist and dog goo somewhere on my body.

“Tomas! Help me! Stop laughing and save me!” I squeal when Wonton jumps up onto me, nearly knocking me back. I don’t know where that man is but he’s not helping me in the least. He’s turning out to be his father—disappearing at random times when he’s needed most.

“I’ve got you,” a deep voice says from behind me, those strong hands suddenly on my waist.

My dick shifts in my pants, and I hold the towel a little tighter. I don’t need the moms teasing me if they see my boner. Because I assure you, they will.

“Where were you while I was being mauled?”

Tomas smiles at me, his gaze dropping to my covered body.

“I was enjoying the show. A towel, huh?” he asks as he leans down to pat Nibblet’s head.

“The dogs are intent on destroying my outfit.”

“Let me see it again. Did you change everything?,” he asks, his eyes dropping to my torso.

“You’ll have to wait and see. If I open this towel up, they will destroy everything I’ve worked so hard to achieve tonight.”

Tomas’s lips quirk. “We wouldn’t want that.”

“No, we wouldn’t.”

We smile goofily at each other before he steps to my side and places a hand on the small of my back. Damn towel and damn dogs. If they weren’t here, intent on slobbering on me, I’d have felt the palm of his hand on the skin of my back. I guess I’ll just have to wait for that. I am a patient man. I am basically a saint.

“Come on,” he says, leading me toward his car in his driveway.

“Bye, you two. Have the best time! And use protection,” Amara squeals, and Tasmin claps loudly, whistling for the dogs who are nipping at our heels.