Page 9 of Discovering Damon

In my defense, I didn’t think any straight boys would pick up on it. While another part of me decided that if Trenton was ogling me so openly then his friends must know something.

It’s a delicate balance.

Tomas’s large shoulder lifts again. “It won’t click with the other two, don’t worry. And I’m not saying anything either.”

I can’t help myself though, dragging my finger over the material of the couch and eyeing my new friend. “So, since you know about the site…” I bite my bottom lip and fight the urge to cackle when his eyes watch the motion. “Have you ever been there tolookaround?”

“What?” His eyes go wide and he sits up a little more, his cheeks flushing red. “No. Of course not. Like I said, I’m straight.”

I snort and pat his thigh. “Okay. Okay. Calm down.” I grin at him, flashing my bright smile. “I was just asking.”

He smiles nervously at me, but I notice his posture relax a little. “Sorry. Fuck, I have nothing against it. Nothing at all. I think it’s super cool. Super awesome.”

I turn around to face the television again, scooting a little closer to him and patting his firm thigh again. It bunches under my palm, and I give it a small squeeze. “Nothing to apologize for. Trust me.”

I find another movie and start it up without another word, but I can’t help the stupid smile taking residence across my face.

I think Tomas and I will become fast friends.

* * *

“Hey,”a soft voice says above me.

I blink my eyes open and stare at the god looming over me.

Stretching out, I feel something firm and scratchy beneath my cheek, and I realize with horror that I’ve fallen asleep on the hot mechanic neighbor man.

Tomas. With the Spanish last name and big arms and sexy tattoos.

“Oh fuck,” I mutter as I sit up and swipe at my mouth. Oh god. I know I drool when I sleep. I am not a cute snoozer. Drool and open mouth and probably snores.

Bennet once said I sounded like a hog rooting for corn.

Jesus. That’s not a good look or a good sound.

I am the least sexy when I am asleep.

“Hey, don’t worry. It’s fine,” he says with a soft smile. “Never had a guy fall asleep on me before.”

I roll my eyes and run my hand through my hair. Oh hell, that’s messed up too. Well, what a way to make an impression. Actually, scratch that. I already did make an impression with my fish lips and green face mask. And now I am making an even bigger impression. One where I drool and snore.


“Here,” he says, reaching up and patting my head awkwardly. I don’t think he manages to rearrange my hair at all, just tries, which makes my heart thump awkwardly in my chest.

No, I do not have feelings for this straight guy. This is not romantic, but I do like him.

He’s a nice…friend. My feelings are friendly. Totally platonic.

“Thank you,” I say and then stand up, adjusting my semi-hard dick before throwing out my hands. “Did you need to go?”

He nods and stands as well, patting his pockets and then moves to the door.

“Yeah, I should. I have work tomorrow.”

“Oh fuck, well, next time I drool on you, please wake me up. I’m so embarrassed.”

He shakes his head.