Page 8 of Discovering Damon

Tomas watches me for a moment after closing the door behind his friends. Perhaps he thinks he should leave too, but I don’t think he wants to.

That’s…interesting and not at all unappealing. I like the push and pull. I am a huge fan.

“You really can stay a little longer. I don’t mind,” I say coyly. No fucks given. I mean, why can’t two neighbors hang out? That’s the neighborly thing to do. Hang. Out. And he said he’d help me clean. He’s being neighborly.

“Yeah.” He makes his way back over to the couch and falls down onto it. “Yeah, okay. I will for a little bit then. Might as well.”

I grin happily at that, settling back into the comfy cushions. I won’t be out here in the country much longer. I’m going back to my glamorous apartment in downtown San Diego as soon as the moms get back.

Well, maybe.

Tasmin and Amara have stated how much they would love it if I stayed for a bit—said their home is my home. Which to be honest, when Carter’s moms say that, I know it’s true. They’ll open their home to anyone. That’s just how they were made.

That’s not really what I’m used to. My parents are fine, I suppose, but I wouldn’t really describe them as warm and inviting. I’m an only child, my parents had me a little bit later in life, and I don’t think I’m quite what they expected.

No, scratch that. I am notat allwhat they expected. I seem to constantly disappoint them, and yet I can’t quite bring myself to care what anyone thinks. It took a lot of time for me to love myself the way I needed to, and now here I am. I embrace all sides of me. I wear nail polish, lipstick, and indulge in face masks. I also love to wax every last stray hair on my body, and I’m truly happy with how I turned out. Smooth and ready for excitement.

But there is something to be said about the country. The quiet is kind of nice here. Soothing, I have to admit. I do love the flashy glitz of the city, so maybe I’ll just use this as a little mini vacay and get to know my car-lovin’ neighbor.

He sure is pretty to look at.

Don’t mind if I do.

I can imagine revving him like an engine. Using his dick as a gear shift. I would ride him all the way to Alabama. Never been there before. Could make a road trip out of it.

“So, I’m just gonna break the ice so you know where we stand. You’re a camboy, right?” Tomas says and his comment startles me slightly. I stare at him with wide eyes and then pull off a casual shrug.

“That’s an awfully big assumption to make. Can I ask why you assume that?”

He cocks his head. “Tasmin and Amara aren’t exactly quiet about their baby boy and his thriving business.”

Well, it’s like I assumed. Carter is out and proud. His website is killing it, and his parents are often overzealous in their support. I’m not surprised they told the neighbor all about it. And to be fair, I don’t really scream straight boy or prude.

I eye Tomas and then nod. “As they should be. Carter is a businessman through and through. And a good one at that.”

His head bobs as he eyes me, his bottom lip pulled between his teeth. “Yeah…no…of course. Shit. What I mean is that I don’t have anything against it. I just wasn’t totally sure—”

I sit up a little straighter. “Sure what?”

He shrugs again and goddamn, he’s a cutie pie. “I just didn’t want to assume that you were a camboy too, but with Trenton ogling you and you saying you’re online—”

Oh, well, fuck me. Trenton. I’m not really surprised that Tomas came to this very accurate conclusion with how Trenton was acting around me. But I don’t want to out anyone. That’s not my place or my job.

That’s not something I’d ever interfere in.

“So you know about…” I tread lightly here.

He shrugs, grabbing the back of his neck with his hand, his biceps popping deliciously. Like hills and valleys. “Shit. Yeah. We don’t talk about it, but I kind of know. I mean, he’s not actually subtle about his likes.”

I cock my head to the side, studying him. “Why don’t you talk about it?”

He drops his hand in a huff, leaning back against the couch. “I don’t know. Just never came up.”

“So, you won’t go telling anyone then?” I say, turning on the couch so I’m facing Tomas. “Because it’s not okay just to out someone without their permission. It’s personal. It’s something he needs to do on his own.”

“Hey, I know that.” He holds his hands up and shifts on the cushions uneasily. “I’m not totally ignorant. I don’t care how he identifies, he’s my friend. That’s all. Doesn’t matter to me either way.”

I smirk at him, settling into the couch again, my cheek resting against the soft fabric of the couch. “Good. I guess I shouldn’t have said anything either. About how he could know me.”