I groan in frustration. “Blake, you’re not hearing me. Remember how you thought I was crazy for passing on free agency? As much as I enjoyed playing football, I never quite felt like that whole lifestyle was a good fit for me, so I didn’t have any regrets about not going back after my injuries. Then I stepped into coaching, and I knew it was my calling, that I belonged here. That’s the same feeling I get when I’m with Tenley and Ethan. It just feels right, because this is exactly where I’m supposed to be.”
He grunts in response, and I continue. “Not to mention my girlfriend loves football, is an awesome cook, has a doctorate, and needs three hooks on the back of her bra to hold up her amazing rack. She’s selfless enough to foster her teenage nephew—who I’d also like to inherit—and she makes more money than I do. Oh, and did I mention the rather large boobs and a fantastic ass? Because she’s got those, too, and I’d really love to lock all that down while I can.”
Just then, a loud knock scares the daylights out of me, and I tell Blake to hold on while I roll down my window.
“Hey, there, Coach.”
“Oh, hey, Lo.”
“You, uh, might want to lower your voice a smidge. I just accidentally overheard ‘amazing rack’ and ‘rather large boobs’ as I passed by. While I’m assuming that means congratulations are in order and that you and Tenley have made up, you may not want all of Camellia High to be privy to your conversation.”
Blake’s laugh is obnoxiously loud over the phone, and I roll my eyes. “Thanks, and sorry about that. I’m just over here having a yelling match with my brother about my future.”
“Okay, then. Have a great day, Assistant Principal Bourgeois,” Loren says loudly, then mouths “text me” while miming typing on the phone. I nod in return, rolling the window up.
“Blake, I’ve got to get to work, all right? We’ll talk later.”
“Oh, and I’m going to need Mom’s ring, by the way.”
I’m only teasing him again. Tenley already nixed the idea of an engagement ring since it would just interfere with the medical gloves she wears all day, so I’m planning to buy her a nice wedding band for now and to surprise her later with a big rock.
“WHAT? You’ve got to be f—”
I end the call and hurry into school since I’m already late, chuckling when Blake texts me a warning.
JD, I swear, if you touch Mom’s ring…
*gif of Gollum saying “my precious”*
Don’t worry, Mama’s Boy. Your precious ring is safe for now. But if you don’t find someone to give it to in the next few years, I’m confiscating it.
Maybe I’ll have a daughter or two to pass it on to by then.
You’d better figure out how babies are made first, kid.
“Hi,” I say quietly as I step into Blake’s office, and he rises to greet me. “Don’t stand on my account.”
He clears his throat and sits, avoiding eye contact and obviously still angry with me for breaking his little brother’s heart, especially after I promised him that I wouldn’t. By now he’s probably heard that JD and I are planning to get hitched, too. And that we still aren’t sleeping together.
Maybe I should tread lightly here.
“Look, Blake, I—”
He holds up a hand. “I’m your lawyer, not your friend or your brother-in-law. So let’s just keep it professional,” he says curtly.
I glare in return. “Fine. What are we doing about Ethan?”