Did I bring her along? Ask Aggie to care for her? I hated to leave her alone in the house when I might be gone for weeks, but it didn’t seem fair to leave Aggie with a new cat in her house while she also had to take over rescue duties.
I hauled my baggage to the pickup first. Once I was back inside, I found Fancy’s carrier and loaded her up. She’d been abandoned once, and while I knew Aggie would make sure she was taken care of, even give her a place in the house, I couldn’t abandon her. I couldn’t leave one more place and everything behind and assume everyone else would pick up after me.
She meowed on the way out to the pickup. I tucked her into the passenger seat and even buckled the carrier in. My first stop was the big barn to grab my tack. Reflective eyes stared at me from the dark depths of the barn. I was never here this late at night, and the kittens didn’t know what to make of it. I pushed all my stuff into the bed of the pickup and hopped back in.
The pickup was still cold by the time I pulled into Aggie’s driveway. I pounded on her front door and rang the doorbell. Tex’s answering bark gave me hope she wouldn’t sleep through the assault on her door.
“Aggie, it’s me,” I called.
The entry light flipped on and the door opened. A groggy but cute Aggie blinked at me, her hair a mess and her freckle-covered nose scrunched against the light. “What’s going on?”
“I have to go.” The sleep wiped from her eyes, and I continued. “Dad got hurt.”
“Oh my god. Is he okay?”
“He’s in the hospital, and it sounds like he’ll need help and time to recover.” I couldn’t bring myself to tell her I was leaving, just like she suspected. I was going, but I’d be back.
“You’re going to Texas?”
I nodded, stepping inside and shutting the door behind me. “I’m bringing Fancy with me, so you don’t have to worry about her on top of all the others.”
Her jaw worked, but she didn’t reply.
The resignation deep in her eyes gutted me. “Aggie, I’m coming back.”
She peered up at me like she was studying every twitch in my face. “Are you?”
It’d be the only way to earn her trust for good. “Once it’s all figured out.”
She inhaled like she was going to say something, then deflated. “I hope your dad’s okay.”
“Aggie, I’m coming back.”
She gave me a small smile. “Don’t give me false hope.”
“Dammit.” I pulled her into my arms, and she came easily. Her unbound breasts pushed against my coat, and damn, if I only had some extra time. “I told you once this wasn’t over between us, and I still mean it.”
“But you have to go, and you might not want to come back.”
“If you’re here, I’ll want to come back. Aggie...” I loosened my hold and tipped her chin up. The words piled on the end of my tongue, but I couldn’t say the phrase I’d only said a handful of times in my life, and I didn’t know why. “You mean the world to me. I’m coming back. I promise. Just promise me you’ll be here.”
“Ansen...” She sounded so resigned, my heart fractured, but then her eyes filled with resolve. She patted my chest. “Don’t worry about me. I’m not going anywhere. Take care of what you need to and tell me what you decide, okay?”
“I mean it. This isn’t over between us.”
“Not yet.”
I held that militant chin between my thumb and forefinger. “Never.” Her eyes flared at my vehemence. “We’ll figure this out. I’m not letting money come between us one more time. I know it looks bad that I’m jetting town while I’m on the brink of winning your inheritance lottery, but you have to trust me. Okay?”
“I just don’t think...” She shook her head. “Never mind.”
“Just don’t think what, Ags?”
She licked her lips, and I wished I would’ve gotten over myself and gone to bed with her last night, but she’d been pushing me away and I was tired of it.
“Nothing,” she said. “I don’t want to keep you.”