My insides quiver harder. How could I have let my cousins get into a mess like this? I freak out a bit more, then state, "I need to talk to all of ya. Get the others." I go into the kitchen.
Within a few minutes, Emily, Alison, and Jessica step inside.
I nod to the chef, ordering, "Go take a smoke break."
He doesn't argue and leaves.
When it's just the four of us, I declare, "We're never letting strangers in this pub again. Do ya understand me?"
Surprise fills their expressions.
"I mean it. Don't ever open the door and allow anyone we don't know inside once we're closed."
Alison asks, "What happened?"
I answer, "We shouldn't have done that last night. Do any of ya have the phone numbers of the other guys?"
They all slowly shake their heads. Jessica admits, "No. Didn't see the point in exchanging them."
"Good. Do not ever talk to them again."
"Why?" she questions.
I rub my hands over my face in frustration. Leave it to Jessica to drill down my orders. I'm sure this is just the beginning of her curiosity. I bark out, "Because I said so. They're not who ya think they are."
"Then who are they?" she inquires.
I glance around again and swallow hard. My stomach roils. I admit, "They're O'Connors and not just any O'Connors. They're part of the family that heads up the clan."
My cousins' eyes widen, and the shock I felt appears on their expressions.
Mum barges through the door, interrupting us. She questions, "What are all of ya doing in here?"
Emily jumps in, saying, "We're just having a quick conversation."
"About what?" Mum pushes.
"What about tonight?"
I step into the conversation, lying, "I'm telling the girls what sections I want them in and that I don't want any funny business tonight. No one's to linger with customers. We need to make as much money as possible."
"Speaking of money..." Mum pulls a wad of cash out of her pocket, demanding, "Where did this come from?" Disapproval and curiosity fill her expression.
Guilt overtakes me.
Her tone turns sharper. "Well? Where did this come from? It wasn't in the register when I left last night."
Emily replies, "It was left in an envelope at the back door."
More confusion fills Mum's face, like she doesn't know if she should believe us.
Jessica suggests, "Maybe someone felt guilty for destroying the place."
I have to hand it to my cousins. They always have my back. Thank God. If Mum knew what happened last night, she'd never forgive me.
Still, she stares us all down, making me want to squirm under her glare.